President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Ukraine has been at war for eight years Russia, Telegram channel reports. “It seems to me that we have been at war for eight years. As for the large-scale one, I think that today some media are intimidated about it. We fully control our borders and are fully prepared for the situation, “Zelensky said. He assured that Ukraine has all the intelligence, military, information and financial assistance. “But I think that we must rely on ourselves – our army is powerful,” Zelensky added. He said that he had held consultations with the head of the European Council Charles Michel and the interim German chancellor Angela Merkel. “They want us to have a conversation with them, with Russia. We are not against, “Zelensky added. Earlier, Bloomberg reported that, according to US intelligence, Russia plans to attack Ukraine in 2022 from three sides. Ukrainian intelligence claimed
Day: November 26, 2021
Zelensky answered the question about the war with Russia
President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Ukraine has been at war for eight years Russia, Telegram channel reports. “It seems to me that we have been at war for eight years. As for the large-scale one, I think that today some media are intimidated about it. We fully control our borders and are fully prepared for the situation, “Zelensky said. He assured that Ukraine has all the intelligence, military, information and financial assistance. “But I think that we must rely on ourselves – our army is powerful,” Zelensky added. He said that he had held consultations with the head of the European Council Charles Michel and the interim German chancellor Angela Merkel. “They want us to have a conversation with them, with Russia. We are not against, “Zelensky added. Earlier, Bloomberg reported that, according to US intelligence, Russia plans to attack Ukraine in 2022 from three sides. Ukrainian intelligence claimed
Zelensky announced the impending coup d'etat
According to & nbsp; he said, & nbsp; businessman Akhmetov is involved in these plans, and billions of dollars are allocated for & nbsp; With & nbsp; this, the head of state added that & nbsp; does not & nbsp; believe in a & nbsp; coup and & nbsp; that & nbsp; an entrepreneur will participate in & nbsp; it.
The creator of the TV series “Gossip Girl” got rid of the house in the USA
Dirt: “Gossip Girl” creator Josh Schwartz sold a house in Santa Barbara famous TV series like Lonely Hearts, Chuck and Gossip Girl, Josh Schwartz got rid of his US home. He raised several million dollars for real estate in Santa Barbara, California, according to Dirt. Schwartz and his wife Jill Stonerock owned the house for five and a half years. The couple bought the home for $ 5.1 million. The house was sold to the new owner for more than $ 8.9 million. The former possession of the screenwriter was built in 2000, and in 2016 it underwent major renovations. The house covers an area of 412 square meters, inside there are four bedrooms, three bathrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen. The rooms offer panoramic ocean views. The territory is also planted with dense vegetation and a swimming pool. The interior is made in light colors, and natural materials
Communist Party asked Bastrykin to open a case against Zhirinovsky
Deputy Yushchenko: the Communist Party asked the head of the Investigative Committee Bastrykin to initiate a case against Zhirinovsky State Duma deputy Alexander Yushchenko told RIA Novosti about this. The reason for the appeal to Bastrykin was Zhirinovsky's statements made on Thursday, November 25, at a meeting of the State Duma on the issue of depriving the immunity of the deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin. During his speech, the leader of the Liberal Democrats called the deputy Nikolai Kharitonov a collective farmer and continued his accusatory speech against communists around the world.
Communist Party asked Bastrykin to open a case against Zhirinovsky
Deputy Yushchenko: the Communist Party asked the head of the Investigative Committee Bastrykin to initiate a case against Zhirinovsky State Duma deputy Alexander Yushchenko told RIA Novosti about this. The reason for the appeal to Bastrykin was Zhirinovsky's statements made on Thursday, November 25, at a meeting of the State Duma on the issue of depriving the immunity of the deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin. During his speech, the leader of the Liberal Democrats called the deputy Nikolai Kharitonov a collective farmer and continued his accusatory speech against communists around the world.
It became known about two gas explosions in the Listvyazhnaya mine
RIA Novosti: there were two methane explosions in Listvyazhnaya mine A total of two methane explosions occurred in the Listvyazhnaya mine , RIA Novosti reports, citing a source in the emergency services. According to the agency's interlocutor, the miners were killed in the first explosion. Rescuers who participated in the search operation died from the second explosion.
Cuba will attract more Russian tourists
Cuba may become one of the most popular tourist destinations RIA Novosti industry representatives. They believe that package sales will grow by at least 10-15 percent. “The island is one of the top 5 most popular outing destinations for Russians for the New Year holidays …. We expect sales to increase at least by 10-15 percent, “the Intourist press service noted. Anex Tour, in turn, expects a 30-35 percent increase in demand for tours. The tour operator explains their forecast by lifting the ban on travel around the country, in particular, on the territory of Havana, popular with Russians, as well as the abolition of quarantine for independent travelers. The Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) has clarified the rules for entering the republic from November 15 by publishing a memo on its website. According to the innovations, travelers traveling to Cuba must fill out the D'Viajeros electronic form
The creator of the TV series “Gossip Girl” got rid of the house in the USA
Dirt: “Gossip Girl” creator Josh Schwartz sold a house in Santa Barbara famous TV shows like Lonely Hearts, Chuck and Gossip Girl, Josh Schwartz got rid of his US home. He raised several million dollars for real estate in Santa Barbara, California, according to Dirt. Schwartz and his wife Jill Stonerock owned the house for five and a half years. The couple bought the home for $ 5.1 million. The house was sold to the new owner for more than $ 8.9 million. The former possession of the screenwriter was built in 2000, and in 2016 it underwent major renovations. The house covers an area of 412 square meters, inside there are four bedrooms, three bathrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen. The rooms offer panoramic ocean views. The territory is also planted with dense vegetation and a swimming pool. The interior is made in light colors, and natural materials