Zakharova called pathetic US attempts to arrogate to itself the right to determine democracies

Maria Zakharova: “Summit for Democracy” is confrontational maintaining strategic independence from the collective West. Thus, at a briefing, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova commented on the upcoming Summit for Democracy, organized at the initiative of Washington, the correspondent reports.

According to the diplomat, the United States arrogates to itself the right to determine who is worthy to be called a democracy and who is not. “It looks cynical and pitiful against the backdrop of obvious problems with the state of democracy and human rights in the United States itself and in the West as a whole,” she said.

Zakharova called the American initiative an element of a large US strategy to undermine the role United Nations organizations and putting together like-minded people within the framework of universal formats. “In fact, these are American satellites on a broad agenda from climate change and the problem of vaccines to military diplomacy of political and regional blocs,” the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said.

The diplomat drew attention to the fact that the summit has a confrontational focus. “The implementation of the Summit for Democracy works to exacerbate international tension. The erosion of the UN-centered architecture of the world order and the potential of the Group of 20 undermines efforts to jointly confront the pandemic, post-crisis economic recovery and neutralize cross-border challenges and threats, ”concluded Zakharova.

Earlier, the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov accused the United States of desire to privatize the word “democracy”. According to him, the United States imposes on other countries its idea of ​​what democracy is, and in their view, democracy is only what corresponds to Washington's understanding.



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