According to the & nbsp; survey, 81% of Russian users of online cinemas and & nbsp; streaming services have not seen films in the last month & nbsp; last month & nbsp; series with & nbsp; scenes of homosexual relationships, and & nbsp; 16% & nbsp; & mdash; met. Scenes with & nbsp; sexual deviations did not & nbsp; come across 88%, 9% & nbsp; & mdash; met.
80% of respondents believe that it is unacceptable to show scenes with homosexual relationships in films and TV shows with an age limit of 18+.
18% of Russians believe that & nbsp; is acceptable. 57% of those surveyed said that & nbsp; the showing of films and & nbsp; series with & nbsp; scenes of sexual deviation should be prohibited. 41% of Russians objected that & nbsp; to prohibit nothing & nbsp; is necessary, it is enough to indicate age restrictions.
“ Such a bill will be considered in the State Duma. & hellip; Work is in progress now. Let's see in what format all this will be done. I & nbsp; can say that & nbsp; a legal solution to this situation is & ldquo; not & nbsp; over & nbsp; mountains & rdquo; & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Mr. Milonov answered the & nbsp; question of RIA Novosti, whether the State Duma is planning to & nbsp; consider a bill banning the screening of films and & nbsp; series with & nbsp; scenes of homosexual relations.
Previously, the Russian network & raquo; LGBT; declared an unregistered public association – foreign agent. The movement received 'about & nbsp; 64 & nbsp; million rubles. foreign financing, '' said Kommersant source in the & nbsp; Ministry of Justice.