Scientists have put forward evidence for the theory of leakage of COVID-19 from the laboratory

The Spectator: Scientists Report Coronavirus Leak From Wuhan Lab

coronavirus from the Wuhan laboratory in 2019.

Scientists put forward the version that the search for related Sars-CoV-2 took a new turn in September, when a team of scientists from France and Laos discovered such a virus in a horseshoe bat living in a cave in Vientiane province in western Laos. It turned out to be a virus that was genetically closer to the human Sars-CoV-2 than the so-called RaTG13 discovered in southern Yunnan in 2013.

However, the publication reports that the Lao virus lacks an important element in a key part the key gene that makes COVID so infectious. We are talking about the so-called furin cleavage site, that is, a special 12-letter segment of the genetic text.

Then there was a correspondence between the American virus hunting fund EcoHealth Alliance, and its investors from the US government. Experts discussed collecting viruses from bats in eight countries, including Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos in 2016-2019. To avoid the hassle of providing grants to local contractors, they promised to send samples to a laboratory in Wuhan that they already funded.

Some of the emails talked about sending data, not samples, but some repeatedly talked about sending namely the samples. At the same time, in 2018, it was about sending bats. The letters say that Wuhan scientists worked together with colleagues from the United States.

On September 27, it became known about the intention of WHO to create a new task force to investigate the sources of the pandemic. It is planned that it will include 20 people. Among them will be laboratory safety and biological defense specialists, geneticists and animal disease experts.

