In the Ryazan region will be engaged in the ecology of the region

The Ryazan Ecotechnopark with a capacity of 350 thousand tons per year will be built in the Ryazan Region

will process solid municipal waste (MSW), thereby reducing the harmful impact on the environment. The decision was discussed at the meeting by the head of the Russian environmental operator (REO) Denis Butsaev and the governor of the region Nikolai Lyubimov, the TV channel “360” reports.

“Integrated system of MSW management” of the national project “Ecology”. “REO is ready to support the project financially and provide funds at a preferential rate, the total investment may exceed three billion rubles,” Butsaev explained the details of the loan.

The regional governor confirmed that the construction of a technopark is a priority for the region. “This will be another important step in the creation and operation of an effective MSW management system. A lot of work is being done in this area in the region. If we take the results of last year, the Ryazan region exceeded all the indicators of the federal project, ”Lyubimov specified.

The construction of the ecotechnopark is planned to be completed by 2024. The facility may include recycling of plastic, wood, organic and construction waste. In the future, other projects for the utilization and production of various products may appear there.

Earlier in November, the Lipetsk region administration decided to build a new eco-technopark near the village of Nikolskoye, Stebaevsky village council, Lipetsk region. The projected facility will fully comply with the requirements of federal legislation, including being included in the federal scheme for MSW management (PPK “Russian Environmental Operator”).

