It became known about the mass poisoning of tourists in a luxury hotel in Turkey

73 schoolchildren were poisoned at a hotel in Bolu province in Turkey Cumhuriyet writes about this.

As it became known to the publication, students of private schools in Istanbul and Ankara rested in the Koru luxury hotel. After one of the dinners, the children complained of discomfort to their parents and teachers – many developed symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. All victims were rushed by ambulances to local hospitals.

It was reported that all children were diagnosed with food poisoning. On Tuesday, November 16, 60 schoolchildren were in the hospital, the next day, the number of hospitalized people increased to 73 people.

The provincial agriculture and forestry services took samples of food and water at the hotel and sent them for examination to laboratory. Currently, the condition of the students has returned to normal, most of them have already been discharged from medical institutions.

In October, about 40 Russian tourists vacationing in the Egyptian resort of Hurghada were hospitalized with severe symptoms of poisoning. The victims were hospitalized from the AMC Royal Hotel, among them were children from two years old.

