German regulator declined to comment on the launch of Nord Stream 2 in March

The German regulator declined to comment on the launch of Nord Stream 2 in March 2022

A spokesman for the German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) declined to comment information on the possible launch of the Russian Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in March 2022 after the suspension of its certification. RIA Novosti reports this.

“I can only say what we said yesterday in our press release,” a representative of the German regulator said.

On November 16, Germany suspended certification of the gas pipeline Nord Stream 2. Sources in the German government noted that the launch of the gas pipeline could be postponed until March 2022 due to certification problems.

They also indicated that Gazprom needed to create a subsidiary of the Swiss operator of the Nord Stream 2 AG project. and then transfer property and rights to her in Germany. Only after that, the regulator will be ready to resume the certification process in order to then submit it to the European Commission.

