Roskachestvo lists errors in the preservation of products

Specialist of Roskachestvo Kotelnikova: in case of preservation errors the risk of poisoning increases … She noted in an interview with the Prime agency that in this process it is important to prevent the appearance of pathogenic microflora, and in case of wrong actions, the risk of poisoning increases.

The expert warned that due to poorly washed vegetables, they can particles of earth and bacteria of Clostridia, whose waste products have a toxic effect on the body.

“During canning, it is important to observe the recipe and add the right amount of salt, sugar, acids, which together form the preservative effect and inhibit the vital activity of microorganisms,” explained Kotelnikova.

She also recommended keeping an eye on the temperature and processing time, and choosing quality vegetables to avoid fermentation and mold. Banks and lids must be intact so that the tightness is not compromised. The expert advised to thoroughly process them with boiling water or steam, and also to monitor the seam so that air and microorganisms do not get inside.

Kotelnikova added that the preservation should be stored at a temperature of two to six degrees and a humidity of no more than 75 percent , it is also important to exclude sunlight on products, especially in transparent containers.

The expert concluded that in industrial conditions the risk of errors in canning is less, since there is a careful control of raw materials and packaging, technological operations are carried out according to technology and recipe , and the seaming is performed automatically, which avoids defects and depressurization.

Earlier, Vladimir Rogovsky, a senior researcher at the Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Radiobiology, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, said that eating foods that are stored or prepared in anoxic or insufficient acidic environment, but at the same time did not undergo proper cleaning and heat treatment, maybe pr and lead to disruption of the nervous system and internal organs.

