Four workers from Uzbekistan died in the suburbs

Ministry of Emergency Situations: a fire in cabins in the Moscow region killed four workers from Uzbekistan area of ​​the Moscow region. On Saturday, November 13, Interfax reports with reference to the regional head office of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. According to the department, the fire occurred on the morning of November 13 on an area of ​​about 200 square meters in cabins located at Pribrezhnaya Street, building 2. By 15:40 Moscow time, the fire was completely extinguished. It is specified that as a result of the incident four people died, two more were injured. At the same time, according to a TASS source in the emergency services of the Moscow region, all the dead and injured were citizens of Uzbekistan. The Solnechnogorsk city prosecutor's office is checking this fact. Also, the Investigation Department for Solnechnogorsk of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the

It became known about clinical trials of a Russian drug for coronavirus

Clinical trials of the drug for coronavirus “Areplivir” will be published in full. This became known from the chairman of the board of directors of the manufacturing company “Promomed” Petr Bely, RIA Novosti quoted him as saying. He noted that studies on the tablet form of this drug were published in the international registry of clinical trials , which is the main resource for clinical trials. The Ministry of Health authorized the temporary registration of an injectable drug based on partial data. “A full report will be provided shortly, it will be submitted to the Ministry of Health. And if the Ministry of Health approves it, we will certainly give it to international experts for licensing and, of course, we will make the results public, ”Bely said. Earlier it was reported that Areplivir would enter hospitals. A multicenter clinical trial of the drug led by Academician of the Russian

Russians warned about mass checks on the roads

The traffic police will conduct checks on the roads of the Chelyabinsk, Samara and Belgorod regions This is reported on the websites of regional traffic police. Checks are expected in Chelyabinsk, Samara, Ivanovo, Belgorod regions and the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria. So, traffic police officers in the Chelyabinsk region from 12 to 26 in November, measures will be taken to prevent collisions with pedestrians. Explanatory work will be carried out with road users using loud-speaking devices and propaganda leaflets. Pedestrians will also be told about the need to use reflective elements in their clothes in the dark. The traffic police department in the Samara region, in turn, will involve the maximum number of employees in raids, including the management team. “To identify drunken motorists, traffic police crews, using the group method of service, carry out the so-called continuous checks, stopping all passing cars and checking their drivers,” the inspection said in

На аукционе в Женеве продали драгоценности Романовых

Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Sotheby's (@sothebys) Аукционный дом Sotheby's продал комплект российских царских драгоценностей, вывезенных контрабандой из страны во время революции 1917 года. Речь идет о большой овальной броши с сапфиром весом 26,8 карата и бриллиантами, а также подходящим к ней сережкам. Они принадлежали великой княгине Марии Павловне, тете последнего российского императора Николая II. Она оказалась одной из немногих членов императорской семьи, кому удалось вывезти свои драгоценности из России после революции. Гарнитур был продан за 883 641 доллар анонимному покупателю, который делал ставки по телефону, сообщает Robb Report. Это вдвое дороже, чем начальная цена комплекта. Как известно, комплект был вывезен в Лондон при помощи британского дипломатического курьера Альберта Стопфорда. Переодевшись в рабочего, он вынес эти и другие драгоценности из тайника во Владимирском дворце в июле 1917 года. 11.11 – на AliExpress начинается главная распродажа года!Скорее за скидками Анна Лысенко Еще больше интересного о драгоценностях

Производитель рассказал о назначении «Арепливира»

«Предназначен для госпитализированных пациентов. С одной стороны, здесь когорта меньше. С другой стороны, это самая главная когорта пациентов, потому что наиболее рисковые случаи как раз находятся на госпитальном этапе. Сейчас у нас появился такой, поскольку он первый отечественный препарат. Это препарат с очень высокой эффективностью», — сказал собеседник агентства. По его словам, лекарство станет доступно для закупок с декабря. Белый заверил, что очередей и дефицита не будет. Бизнесмен отметил, что компания будет заниматься экспортом — заинтересованы порядка 50 стран. В то же время в приоритете внутренний рынок. В форме таблеток «Арепливир» (по международному непатентованному наименованию — «Фавипиравир») разработали в 2020-м, его делают на заводе «Биохимик» в Саранске. Как сообщал в феврале 2021 года Минпромторг, с сентября объемы производства нарастили в десять раз — до миллиона упаковок в месяц. В будущем выпуск планируют увеличить до двух миллионов.

Myasnikov gave advice to Russians who are afraid of vaccination

Doctor Alexander Myasnikov advised the unvaccinated “to turn on the brain and not listen to idiots” infections to Russians. Fear is illogical when it comes to personal safety, he said. He stated this in an interview with Vechernaya Moskva. The medic noted that unvaccinated citizens need to “turn on their brains and not listen to idiots,” as well as anti-addicts, provocateurs and hysterics. “How can you be afraid to be vaccinated, because it’s illogical! You now use a seat belt when you are driving, you are not afraid to fasten yourself, “Myasnikov drew a parallel. Earlier, the TV presenter said that COVID-19 can accelerate the development of genetic chronic diseases in children. “First of all, the coronavirus provokes the development of Kawasaki syndrome, that is, acute inflammation of blood vessels with damage to the coronary arteries,” Myasnikov said. Another dangerous consequence, according to the doctor, is multisystem inflammation syndrome, a

Lukashenka spoke about fights and reels among politicians in Europe

Lukashenko: there are no powerful political leaders in Europe, there are fights and riots politicians are engaged only in sorting out relations with each other, and not working on increasing the well-being of people. This was stated by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko in an interview with the Russian magazine National Defense. According to the Belarusian leader, European politicians primarily defend their interests and care for their own pocket, not for the people. “There are some fights going on, rushing at each other … There are no people there … today who are capable of making history. Europe has become impoverished, impoverished, “Lukashenko said. At the same time, he also expressed confidence that in fact in Western countries” there is no freedom of speech. “ Earlier in that In the same interview, Lukashenka said that he considers himself a pro-Russian person, and said that Russia would have been torn to

The dispute between Moscow and Kiev for billions of dollars has been compared to “the threat of a gun to the president”

The UK court compared the dispute between Moscow and Kiev over Eurobonds with a “gun threat” billion dollars cannot be considered by the English judicial system. This dispute between Moscow and Kiev over Eurobonds lies in the plane of international relations, QC Mark Howard said at a hearing in the British Supreme Court, RBC reports. He represents The Law Debenture Trust, an attorney for the issue of Eurobonds, the sole holder of which is Russia. Howard is confident that the British Supreme Court should refuse Kiev to consider his argument about “coercion” by the Russian side. He noted that there is a fundamental difference between physical threats to an individual and “threats” from one state to another. The former can be tried in a national court, while the latter cannot. “Let's say the president of Russia or his bodyguard holds a gun at the head of the president of Ukraine

16-year-old hockey player became the youngest goalscorer in the history of the Russian national team

Michkov scored a goal in the Russian national team at the age of 16 and broke Ovechkin's record puck in the Euro Hockey Tour match against Sweden. This was reported by the correspondent. The 16-year-old striker equalized the score at the beginning of the second period and became the youngest scorer in the history of the Russian national team. Michkov updated the achievement of Alexander Ovechkin. The Washington Capitals forward scored for the Russian national team at the age of 17 years and 355 days. At the time of publication of the news, the match is in the second period, the score is equal – 2: 2. After the goal, Michkov made an effective pass and helped Artem Galimov to excel.