In St. Petersburg ended the vaccine against COVID-19 “KoviVac”

Vaccine “KoviVac” is not in the warehouse of St. Petersburg, deliveries are not expected in the near future , delivery of which is not expected in the near future. TASS reports this with reference to the regional authorities. According to the deputy chairman of the city health committee Andrei Sarana, the drug “KoviVac” is difficult to manufacture. The vaccine is produced at one plant, this factor is associated with a shortage of the drug. “To date, about one million doses have been made in total, therefore, of course, we do not recommend our citizens to expect its arrival in the near future. We urge you to be vaccinated with what you have, “Sarana said. The official added that there is also a small amount of EpiVacCorona vaccine left in the city, while there is Sputnik V and Sputnik Light. Earlier, the regions faced a shortage of the Sputnik Light vaccine.

The body of the Russian woman who disappeared in the flood was found five months later

SK: the body of a woman who disappeared during the June flood was found in Yalta … RIA Novosti writes about this with reference to the press service of the department of the Investigative Committee for Crimea and Sevastopol. According to preliminary data, the Russian woman disappeared during the flood in June this year. “Identified by earrings, but within the framework of the investigation conducted by the investigative department in the city of Yalta, an examination is to be carried out, which will establish exactly the identity,” the message says. It is noted that a large-scale cleaning of the channels began in Yalta last week , five months after massive flooding in June. The city authorities plan to remove by the end of the year more than 40 thousand tons of soil, stones and silt accumulated over the decades in river beds. 55 people were injured in the flood in

Lukashenko spoke about the attempts of the West to close the belt around Russia

Lukashenko: organizing protests in Belarus, the West tried to close the belt around Russia Western countries, encouraging protests in Belarus, tried to close Russia. This was stated by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko in an interview with the Russian magazine National Defense. According to the Belarusian leader, new details and facts related to the protest actions in the country continue to appear. In particular, the authorities are trying to find out what role Ukraine, Latvia, Poland and Germany played in what happened. “In the process, we realized that this was not a“ color revolution ”at all, it was a chosen moment. The goal, the global goal is the same – to close this belt, “Lukashenko stressed. On August 9, 2020, presidential elections were held in Belarus. The CEC announced that Alexander Lukashenko, who ran for a sixth term, won 80 percent of the vote. This sparked massive protests that lasted

Lukashenko announced the salvation of Russia by Putin

President of Belarus Lukashenko: there would be no Putin, there would be no our civilization President Vladimir Putin, said Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko in an interview with National Defense magazine. “Take the same Putin. They roll on him, but there would be no Putin – there would be no our civilization, Russia would be torn apart. It took time – it happened, thanks to, among other things, President Putin, Russia was saved, ”Lukashenka said, noting that this was happening before his eyes. According to him, they have fraternal, warm relations with Putin. “When we sit at the table, I say:“ Listen, I sometimes think, why do we perceive the reality practically the same way? ”. Philosophically speaking … I say: “You are a courtyard, and I am a street. That is, we came from there, from the very bottom,” added the President of Belarus. He also said that 2020 was

In the United States did not see the threat from the Su-75

Breaking Defense: Russian Su-75 fighter does not pose a threat to the American F-35 Like Checkmate and the Su-75, it poses no threat to the American F-35 Lightning II, as well as the American and European fourth-generation fighters, Teal Group aviation analyst Richard Abulafia told Breaking Defense. The expert did not see the threat from the Russian fighter jet due to the fact that, in his opinion, many countries that could buy LTS do not want strategic relations with modern Russia. “The higher the weapons system, the more you buy a strategic relationship,” said a US specialist. In his opinion, “it doesn't seem like there is any feeling that they (the Russians – note “” ) offer advanced things. ” that they see a competitor on the plane. In July, Rostec presented LTS at the MAKS-21 International Aviation and Space Salon. According to Rostec CEO Sergei Chemezov, a single-engine tactical

Lukashenka responded to accusations of financing migrant flows

Lukashenko asked to provide facts proving his financing of migrant flows President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko stated that he did not take part in financing migrant flows. This is how he responded to the accusations, writes the National Defense magazine. “Listen, I have a lot of money ?! I have nowhere to put my money? ” The Belarusian leader asked. At the same time, he asked to provide the relevant facts. Lukashenko noted that the Americans “blurted out” this, and then “forgot what they said.” Since the beginning of 2021, near the border of Belarus with Refugees began to gather in Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. The crisis escalated sharply on November 8, when several thousand people approached the Polish border from the Belarusian side. Currently, they do not leave the border zone. In addition, on November 10, the unit tried to enter the territory of Poland, breaking the barbed wire

Lukashenko spoke about cooperation between Moscow and Minsk in the field of security

President of Belarus Lukashenko: Minsk and Moscow carried out operations that the West never dreamed of President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko spoke about cooperation with Russia in the sphere of security and defense. According to him, Minsk carried out operations with Moscow, which the West never dreamed of, BelTA reports. According to the Belarusian leader, this cooperation between Minsk and Moscow is carried out especially closely and does not raise any questions. “Defense, security, here we have no questions at all. We have carried out such operations, are conducting and will continue to carry out in defense of our security, which no West, the European Union dreamed of. We don't have any problems at all, “Lukashenko said in an interview with the National Defense magazine, stressing that the Russian side understood that the KGB of Belarus, despite its small size, is a” powerful fist “. He also noted that in

Lukashenka wants to receive Russian Iskander missile systems

Lukashenko: Belarus is interested in Russian Iskander missile systems President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said that Minsk is interested in receiving Russian missile systems Iskander. He said this in an interview with the Russian magazine National Defense. Belarus wants to get Iskander, since missile systems are needed in the western and southern directions. “Let them stand. This is a 500-kilometer launch range, because our Polonaise is up to 300 kilometers, ”Lukashenka said. In September, Lukashenka and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed on a list of Russian weapons to be supplied to Belarus by 2025. According to BelTA, Belarus will buy weapons worth more than a billion dollars. Earlier it was reported that the Iskander operational-tactical complexes will receive highly maneuverable stealth missiles that are practically invulnerable to the enemy. They are practically impossible to detect, while the ammunition can perform complex maneuvers on the trajectory, which allows it to evade

Gradsky criticized the member of the “Voice” because of the song “Night Snipers”

Gradsky at the show “Voice” criticized the song “Catastrophically” by the group “Night Snipers” People's Artist of Russia, musician and composer Alexander Gradsky criticized the participant of the show “Voice” on the First Channel from Belarus Nikolai Volegov because of the song “Night Snipers”. The broadcast is available on YouTube. Volegov performed the composition “Catastrophically” at blind auditions, as a result none of the jury turned to him. After Pelageya began to discuss the performance of the participant in the show, Alexander Gradsky said that he did not know such a song and was not familiar with the work of the Night Snipers group. The composer noticed that the song was written incorrectly. “This is written only by” Night Snipers “, but normal authors write it differently! That is, the poetic accent must coincide with the musical accent, “Gradskiy said on the air of the show. The musician also advised

Croatian football player of the RPL club decided to get a Russian passport

Krylia Sovetov defender Begich wants to get a Russian passport Krylia Sovetov's defender Silvie Begich spoke about the decision to get a Russian passport. This is reported by Metaratings. According to the Croatian footballer, he has no chance of getting into the national team of his country. He noted that there are good young defensive players there. “I don’t think that I will be called up to the Russian national team, there are many good young defenders. I only think about making it easier for the club, so that I am not considered a legionnaire, “Begich explained his desire to get a Russian passport. The Croatian footballer has been playing in Russia since 2017. In addition to Wings of the Soviets, he played for Orenburg and Rubin. The defender moved to the Samara club in 2021. This season, he has played six matches in which he scored one goal.