Tim Cook compared Android to a dangerous car

Apple CEO Tim Cook suggested switching to Android for those who don't care about security

American Apple CEO Tim Cook said that those those who don't care about security can switch to Android smartphones. His words are reported by MacRumors.

The CEO of the corporation said this during the DealBook conference held by The New York Times. “If you are in favor of unsafe downloading of applications, you can buy an Android smartphone,” said Cook, answering the question why iPhone users are not able to download unconfirmed programs and services.

In his speech, Cook compared smartphones to Android base with unsafe machines. “It’s as if I, as a car manufacturer, told the buyer not to put airbags and seat belts in the car,” said Tim Cook. According to him, downloading third-party programs, which is possible on the Android platform, is too dangerous for users.

Journalists noted that earlier Apple vice president Craig Federighi called downloading unconfirmed applications “the best friend of cybercriminals.” According to the American corporation, Android smartphones are attacked 15-47 times more often than iPhones.

Earlier, the head of Apple disclosed his attitude to cryptocurrency. Tim Cook stated that he has similar assets and considers it prudent to own cryptocurrency as part of a diversified portfolio.

