Pregnant women were told about the risks of refusing vaccinations against coronavirus

Ministry of Health: COVID-19 in a pregnant woman can provoke a delay in fetal development COVID-19 in a pregnant woman can cause fetal growth retardation, as well as increase the likelihood of termination of pregnancy. This is reported by TASS.

Shmakov urged pregnant and lactating women to be vaccinated. According to him, vaccination after 22 weeks does not affect the course of pregnancy. He added that coronavirus infection can also seriously harm the health of a newborn baby, “especially if he is born prematurely.”

The specialist stressed that those who suffer from diabetes mellitus, obesity, diseases of the lungs and kidneys. “The reality is this. Every day in the country two women die from coronavirus during pregnancy or after delivery.It should be remembered that a vaccinated mother will help the child. Antibodies from COVID-19 are transmitted to him, too, “he said.

Earlier, the myth of infertility allegedly caused by vaccinations against COVID-19 was dispelled by a therapist, clinical pharmacologist Andrei Kondrakhin in a conversation with Lenta .RU”. He also noted that of all viruses, infertility in humans can cause mumps, or mumps.

