Mystery of the dominance of grandmothers with purple hair A visitor to the portal Pikabu with the nickname backupcat, fascinated by the rules of hair coloring, explained why Russia has so many older women with hair purple shade. Upstairs “Purple’s the color of the grandparents is not so much an intentional result, but the error from ignorance of the basics of dyeing. Although someone intentionally, maybe… But more often no than Yes” — explains backupcat. Wanting to hide the gray hair, older women choose light shades of paint from the mass market to sprouting gray hair was not as noticeable, continues the girl. However, women do not take into account that gray hair is devoid of pigment, but because the paint, containing a lot of blue or purple falls excessively intense: This paint is not meant for coloring gray hair and lightening dark hair. Dark hair lightens to a dirty-yellow
Day: September 5, 2018

In the Netherlands, found a bribe the Romans to the German leader
In the Netherlands, found a bribe the Romans to the German leader Archaeologists found the burial in the South-West of the Netherlands the bronze bowl for washing, presumably taken in the III—IV centuries of our era. Upstairs According to the website probably the Romans introduced it as a diplomatic gift or a bribe to the leader of one of the Germanic tribes. According to researchers who found it, this is the only found so far the Cup is decorated with the head of an eagle. NewsGreek farmer accidentally discovered an ancient tomb Southern Netherlands, more than 450 years was a Roman province. It was conquered by Julius Caesar during the Gallic wars. The boundary between the Roman province of lower Germany and the territories of the Germanic tribes took place on the river Rhine. The Romans had with the Germanic tribes of the world, individual leaders have recognized the

Scientists have identified the danger of death painkiller
Scientists have identified the danger of death painkiller Danish researchers found that taking diclofenac increases the risk of deadly diseases by 50%. The study is published on the website of medical journal The British Medical Journal. Upstairs To explore the effects of analgesic experts has attracted 6.3 million Danes aged 46 to 49 years. The Danes were divided into three groups according to the level of risk of heart disease. In the course of work, scientists drew attention to the relationship between the use of diclofenac and cardiovascular diseases, including arrhythmia, ischemic stroke and heart attack. Similar complications were observed in the first month of use of medications. In addition, patients who consumed exactly the diclofenac was suffering from heart disease most people who used other painkillers, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol, said the Agency “RIA Novosti”. As reported on September 4, imported drugs to be allowed on the Russian

In Omsk opened a case of extremism against feminists
In Omsk opened a case of extremism against feminists In Omsk criminal case against the radical feminists love Kalugina for posts that she made about five years ago. It is charged with inciting hatred or enmity on the basis of sex, because in her published reports, investigators found signs of humiliation of men. Upstairs Omsk investigators opened a criminal case under the article on inciting hatred or enmity on the Internet against local activists of the feminist movement love Kalugina. “A criminal case under article 282 of the criminal code”, — told RIA “news” a source in law enforcement bodies. Officially, the Investigation Committee (IC) this information does not comment. As explained earlier itself Kalugina information-analytical center “Sova”, the interest of investigators to her person associated with publications, which she posted on the social network “Vkontakte”. According to the report, the reason for the test was the statement of a

Trump said that he had not discussed the possibility of murder Assad
Trump said that he had not discussed the possibility of murder Assad The US President Donald trump said that he had not discussed the possibility of killing Bashar Assad. Upstairs WASHINGTON, 5 Sep — RIA Novosti. In the new book of the famous Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward called “Fear trump in the White house” describes the disagreement within the administration of Donald trump. In particular, it describes how in April 2017 after the alleged himataki in Syria, the trump called the Pentagon chief James Mattis and stated that the United States should assassinate President Bashar al-Assad and many others. Mattis, however, did not follow the orders of the Supreme commander of the country and said his senior adviser: “We’re not going to do any of this. We will act wisely”. “Never been discussed”, — he told reporters, responding to a question. The transcript of the conversation was circulated by

Mead found inconsistencies in the suspect photo in the “case Skrypalia”
Mead found inconsistencies in the suspect photo in the “case Skrypalia” MOSCOW, 5 sen — RIA of news. The Russian foreign Ministry drew attention to inconsistencies in the published London on Wednesday the data about the suspects. This was stated by the official representative of the foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. Upstairs So, Scotland Yard issued photographs of the suspects at Gatwick airport. According to Zakharova, shows the same corridor, same time (on the site of Scotland Yard indicated time 16:22:43). “Either it is imposed from above photos the exact date and time, or are employees of the GRU Russia, who learned to walk at the same time, but their images are captured in two separate photos. It’s such a, you know, trolling the level of God,” said the foreign Ministry representative in the program “60 minutes” on TV channel “Russia-1”. She also drew attention to two other pictures of the

The scientists said the danger of the loss of 6 hours of sleep
The scientists said the danger of the loss of 6 hours of sleep It leads to obesity and diabetes. Upstairs The loss of just six hours of sleep increases the risk of diabetes, according to a study published in the American scientific journal American Journal of Physiology. Scientists studied the effects of sleep deprivation on two groups of mice. One group could sleep as you wish, the second was forced to stay awake for 6 hours every night. Both groups of rodents were given fatty foods, sweetened water and restricted their movement, simulating the conditions of a sedentary way of life. The study was conducted in the framework of the special program of the American physiological society. The researchers measured the glucose levels and fat content in the liver of rodents. They were significantly higher in the group deprived of sleep. High level of triglycerides (fats) is a marker of

Do not switch. Are Russians ready to abandon analog TV?
Do not switch. Are Russians ready to abandon analog TV? Disabling it will start from 1 January. In the Ministry of communications expect high demand for TV set-top box, but retailers remain calm. How to prepare for the shutdown of analog TV and will the Russians with old televisions to watch the new year’s President? Upstairs The communications Ministry has warned about the high demand for TV set-top box at the end of the year. The fact that from 1 January on Federal channels will begin to turn off analog broadcasting. TASS said Deputy Minister of communications Alexei Volin. While the regional companies will make their own decision and “will be able to broadcast in analog for as long as they have the money and the desire,” added Wolin. According to the Ministry of communications, the proportion of those who use analog television, today accounts for 10% of the entire

In Italy the king of the Belgians albert II was not allowed in the bar
In Italy the king of the Belgians albert II was not allowed in the bar BRUSSELS, 5 sen — news, Alexander Shishlo. King of the Belgians, albert II, was not allowed into the elite bar of the yacht club of Santa Maria di Leuca in southern Italy due to non-compliance with the dress code of the institution, the monarch was there in shorts, reported on Wednesday radio Contact. Upstairs Albert II, took the throne in 1993, renounced it in favor of the eldest son of Prince Philippe in July 2013. The bartender just didn’t recognize 84-year-old albert II, who was accompanied by his wife, the Queen mother, Paola, he was forced to return to their boat and to wear pants. Earlier Prince albert had complained to the authorities that it is not enough government subsidies to 923 thousand euros per year, including the costs of the maintenance of the residence
The Emirates Airlines plane has arrived from Dubai to new York with hundreds of sick passengers on Board
The Emirates Airlines plane has arrived from Dubai to new York with hundreds of sick passengers on Board Moscow. September 5. INTERFAX.RU — the Plane of Emirates Airlines, who arrived from Dubai to new York, isolated in the airport of a name of John Kennedy because of the detection of signs of disease in a hundred passengers, reports ABC News website. Upstairs According to the channel, the aircraft landed safely on Wednesday morning. The pilot reported that on Board the ship are two men with a fever and about one hundred passengers with a strong cough. Getting off plane & getting temperatures checked. The girl in front of me is pregnant, poor thing! #emirates #emirates203 — Erin Sykes (@SykesStyle) September 5, 2018 At the moment, information about the illness of the passengers is not confirmed, the circumstances are being investigated. The Port authority of new York and new Jersey