To the Ground began to approach the largest since observations of asteroid

To the Ground began to approach the largest since observations of asteroid

The Earth is approaching a large asteroid since systematic observations by NASA for potentially hazardous near-by objects (the late 1980s). This was reported on the website of the American space Agency.

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Object (3122) Florence will be at a minimum distance from the planet (seven million kilometers, or 18 distance between the Earth and the Moon) September 1, 2017. In diameter it reaches five kilometers.

“Many well-known asteroid came closer to Earth than Florence 1 Sep, but they are less — said Paul khodas from the research Center of near-earth objects NASA. Florence is the largest asteroid that will approach Earth so close with the introduction of NASA’s discovery and tracking of near-earth asteroids”.

(3122) Florence poses no danger to Earth. Previously the object was close to the planet in 1890. The asteroid opened in 1981. In 2017 it will be visible in late August and early September using a telescope in the southern constellation Pisces, Capricorn, Aquarius and Dolphin.

