The leader of the group “Zero” Fedor Chistyakov emigrated from Russia

The leader of the group “Zero” Fedor Chistyakov emigrated from Russia

The leader of the group “Zero” Fedor Chistyakov declared emigration from Russia. It is reported by “Novaya Gazeta”.

“You may consider this interview as my official statement about the departure from the country. I just left,” said the musician correspondent.

According to Chistyakov, this decision he took after Russia has banned the “Jehovah’s Witnesses”. The musician said that did not intend to emigrate.

“I firmly settled on the spot, I am already fifty, where to go? Besides, right now things are going very well, as a musician I’m on the rise a good group of good tours, one after the other come albums. And so we flew with the tour in the United States. On the eve of trial, which resulted in the prohibition of “Witnesses”. For me it was a shock. The probability that I get back from the American tour, started strongly increase. And on July 17, when they rejected the appeal, I made the final decision,” he said.

In April, the Supreme court recognized “Jehovah’s Witnesses” extremist organization, eliminated and banned its activities in the country. On July 17 the Supreme court acknowledged the elimination of the legal.

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