Vladimir Putin thanked journalists in Finnish

Photo: After a joint with President of Finland Sauli Niinistö, the press-conference Vladimir Putin thanked participating in the event journalists in Finnish, reports RIA Novosti. “Kiitos,” – said the Russian President. His Finnish colleague supported this linguistic experience and said in Russian: Thank you. After this, both presidents went to see the Opera “Iolanta” at the Bolshoi theatre of Russia.

The spacecraft “Soyuz MS-05” with a new crew launched to ISS from Baikonur

The spacecraft “Soyuz MS-05” with a new crew launched to ISS from Baikonur The BAIKONUR COSMODROME (Kazakhstan), 28 Jul — RIA Novosti. The carrier rocket “Soyuz-FG” with manned spacecraft “Soyuz MS-05” with the crew of three was launched to the International space station (ISS) from the site “Gagarin’s start”, the correspondent of RIA Novosti from the Baikonur cosmodrome. On Board the Soyuz are Russian cosmonaut Sergey Ryazanskiy, U.S. astronaut Randolph Breznik and astronaut of the European space Agency (ESA), the Italian Paolo Nespoli. On the ISS a new expedition expect cosmonaut of the Roscosmos Fyodor Yurchikhin and NASA astronauts Peggy Whitson and Jack Fisher. In a few minutes “Soyuz MS-05” should be separated from the third stage of the launch vehicle and exit on a trajectory to rendezvous with the ISS. The vehicle docking with the station is scheduled at 01.00 GMT on July 29. It is expected that the

Refused to marry the Belarusian tourists were taken hostage

Refused to marry the Belarusian tourists were taken hostage Went abroad the citizen of Belarus was taken hostage by the armed relatives of a local girl to marry which he refused. On Friday, July 28, the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus in your Facebook. “If you think that the foreign Ministry “goes too far” with recommendations on behavior in extreme situations, you are wrong”, — said in a post a press-service of the Ministry. It also explained that the Belarusian diplomatic mission “in one of the hot countries” received information about this incident on July 23. According to the Ministry, trapped hostage by the Belarusian was able by means of sms messages secretly to inform the Embassy of the exact address, floor plan, number of armed persons and their location in the building. “As a result of a special operation of local police citizen of our

Events of the week in photos

Events of the week in photos Revision of the “news Mail.Ru” presents a digest of the most important and bright events from 22 to 28 July 2017 in the photographs of the leading news agencies of Russia and the world. July 22. Started in Kazan the fifth stage of the Red Bull Air Race. After that, the athletes went to Portugal and Germany. The final will be held in the American state of Indianapolis. July 22. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has accused anti-government demonstrators in the arson of a supporter of the authorities in Caracas. During protests in the West was shot dead opposition activist. The total number killed in the current wave of protests in Venezuela amounted to 48 people. July 23. The main bridges of St. Petersburg — the Annunciation, Palace, Trinity and Foundry — first lit in the afternoon for the rehearsal of the naval parade devoted

In the state Duma proposed to limit the size of contributions to the party

In the state Duma a bill to limit the maximum size of membership and entrance fees in the party to 4.3 million rubles per year. The corresponding document was registered in the Duma database on Friday, July 28. Its author was made by the Chairman of the Duma Committee for security and combating corruption Anatoly Election. Changes are proposed to the law “On political parties”. In the explanatory note to the document notes that the size limit for party contributions — one of the recommendations given to you by the Group of States against corruption (GRECO) the Russian authorities, the evaluation of the legislation of the country. The organization believes that the absence of thresholds can be a tool of the shadow financing of political parties. The amendments propose to establish a “maximum amount of entrance and (or) membership dues of one member of the party during the year, $

On Altai started the case about the attack on a police motorcycle for the gas

Employee of the Ongudaysky police Department in the Altai Republic was suspected of excess of powers of office, he is detained. About it reported in regional Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia on Friday, 28 July. In relation to the police opened a criminal case under part 3 of article 286 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (“Excess of powers of office made with application of violence”). The maximum punishment on it provides till 10 years of imprisonment with deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions. According to investigators, on 22 July, two residents of the village of inegen ‘ rode on a motorcycle on the Chuisky highway. Near the settlement Chui-Oozy they ran out of gas. At this time, drove past the car the precinct, and the men decided to ask him for help. When the car stopped, it issued several unfamiliar villagers police officers in

The Deputy of St. Petersburg legislative Assembly Resnick arrested for 10 days

Maxim Reznik The Deputy of St. Petersburg legislative Assembly Maxim Reznik fined 10 thousand rubles, and sentenced to 10 days of arrest by the decision of Dzerzhinsky district court. It is reported TASS with reference to the press service of the court. Resnick is attracted to administrative responsibility for committing an administrative offense provided by part 5 of article 20.2 of the administrative code (“violation of the established procedure of organizing or holding meetings, rallies, demonstrations, marches or picketing”). According to the Agency, protocols of administrative offense against Reznik was made for violations of the anti-corruption rally on the Champ de Mars on June 12. The event was not coordinated with the city authorities. According to the official data of the police, was then arrested 500 participants of the unsanctioned rally.

In Helsinki the car crashed into a crowd of people.

In Helsinki the car crashed into a crowd of people. MOSCOW, 28 Aug — RIA Novosti. The man in the car crashed into a crowd of people in Helsinki, one person was killed, reports Reuters with reference to police. According to law enforcement, there are several victims. Media reported that the driver of the car detained. In early June, a car crashed into a crowd on London bridge, after which three armed terrorists climbed out of the car and attacked passers-by. The terrorists were killed by police. Seven people were killed.

In Hamburg during the attack of the unknown one person was killed, several others injured

In Hamburg during the attack of the unknown one person was killed, several others injured MOSCOW, 28 Aug — RIA Novosti. In Hamburg, a man in a knife attack on visitors of a supermarket, according to local police. As a result one person was killed and several were injured. Police arrested the alleged offender. “Reliable information on the motive and the number of casualties yet. We will inform,” — said in the message of militiamen on Twitter. #BREAKING Attaque au couteau à Hambourg, mort 1 et plusieurs blessés. L assaillant arrêté pic.twitter.com/4rqMNsH48b — Julien Le Clézio (@JulienLeClezio) July 28, 2017 During the download an error has occurred.

In the United States has sentenced a drug dealer to sell broccoli instead of marijuana

In the United States has sentenced a drug dealer to sell broccoli instead of marijuana MOSCOW, 28 Aug — RIA Novosti. Drug dealer in the US, sold to customers of broccoli under the guise of drugs, was sentenced to 16 years in prison, the newspaper the Huffington Post. The sababa Colbert-Evans (Sababu Colbert-Evans) was convicted of attempted murder and distribution of imitation substances. The sentence of his accomplice Tersely Davis (Tercell Davis), who pleaded guilty and also the former at the scene, will be submitted in early August. The incident occurred last year. Davis was found on the outskirts of Denver with their customers who wanted to buy marijuana, and sold them broccoli, bought a few hours earlier at the convenience store. Following the deal, he received 10 thousand dollars. Later in the day, buyers discovered the fraud and contacted Davis under a false name, to agree on a new