Macron has promised to filter of refugees in Africa

Emmanuel Macron

The President of France Emmanuel macron promised this summer to open in the countries of North Africa centers for filtration of refugees. It is reported by Le Figaro.

According to the French leader, now through the Mediterranean sea to Europe ready to go from 800 thousand to a million people. “People put themselves at risk crazy, having no right to asylum,” said macron.

According to his idea, it is in these centres will be the primary processing of the documents of persons wishing to obtain refugee status, and the attrition of those who are this status can claim. At the same time, macron has acknowledged that other countries in Europe without enthusiasm perceive his initiative, but he still intends to bring this idea to realization.

According to BBC News, since the beginning of this year on the Mediterranean route to Europe from Africa arrived more than 110 thousand people. During the dangerous journey drowned no less than 2300 refugees.

