Hillary Clinton will release a book about the defeat in the presidential election

Hillary Clinton will release a book about the defeat in the presidential election

Moscow. July 27. INTERFAX.RU — Former Secretary of state, Democratic candidate in last year’s presidential election in Hillary Clinton write a book about what she was to participate in the presidential race, being a woman, passes on Thursday Agency AP.

According to AP, the book Clinton called “What happened” (What happened) is a “caveat”: it tells the story of a Russian intervention in the elections and tell about what kind of threat it was bringing to American democracy.

“In the past, for reasons that I’m trying to explain, I often felt that I should be careful in public, like I’m walking a tightrope without a safety net, but now I destroy the barrier,” wrote former us Secretary of state in the introduction to the book.

The must be received 12 Sep.

“Hillary will tell you about the intense personal experience of the first women that the majority party nominated a candidate for President in the elections, noting the hatred, the sexism, the highs and lows of the incredible twists and turns, the Russian intervention and the enemy, has violated all rules”, — said in a word from the publisher.

Exclusive: Hillary Clinton is releasing a tell-all book about the election called ‘What Happened’ pic.twitter.com/9GMNBV3L6Y

— Now, this (@nowthisnews) on 27 July 2017.
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