Rosturizm asks Russians to be careful because of the fires in Sicily

Rosturizm asks Russians to be careful because of the fires in Sicily

Rostourism recommends Russian tourists in Sicily to observe personal safety measures due to forest fires. The message published on the website of the Department.

“In connection with the distribution of forest fires in the South of Italy (Sicily) … the Federal Agency for tourism recommends to the Russian citizens on the territory of the region to remain calm, to observe personal safety measures, follow the instructions of local authorities and avoid visiting the area of forest fires”, — is spoken in the message.

The strongest forest fires raging in Italy for two weeks.

They covered almost all southern regions of the country — the Campaign, Molise, Apulia, Basilicata, Calabria, Sicily, and the capital region Lazio and Tuscany.

It is noted that according to the Consulate General of Russia in Palermo, forest fires involves aviation. A state of emergency in Sicily announced.

