Zuckerberg argued with Musk about the “fundamental threat” to mankind

Zuckerberg argued with Musk about the “fundamental threat” to mankind

Mark Zuckerberg did not agree with the Elon Musk, who said that artificial intelligence threatens all of mankind. According to the founder of Facebook, to predict the end of the world “very irresponsible.”

The founder of Facebook mark Zuckerberg disagreed with the statement of the founder of SpaceX and Tesla Elon musk, warned that artificial intelligence is “a fundamental threat to all mankind.” My opinion on this matter, Zuckerberg said during an online broadcast Facebook Live the social network users, according to CNBC.

“Artificial intelligence will in the future make our lives better, and to predict the end of the world is very irresponsible,” said Zuckerberg in response to a question from users, who asked him to comment on recent statements by the Mask.

Last week Musk during his speech before the National governors Association, the U.S. said that artificial intelligence is “a fundamental threat to humanity”. “Accident, crash, defective medications and bad food are not,” said Musk.

He stressed that he has access to the most advanced technologies related to the development and implementation of artificial intelligence. According to the Mask, what he sees makes him think that people actually worry about this topic.

Musk also said that he considered it necessary to regulate at the state level this area. In addition, the head of SpaceX, it is necessary to artificially limit the speed at which such technologies are disseminated. Otherwise, he said, one day you may find that it is too late.

