Media reported about the buildup of China on the border with North Korea

Media reported about the buildup of China on the border with North Korea

Moscow. July 25. INTERFAX.RU — China is strengthening its border with the DPRK in connection with a potential crisis over North Korea, reported the newspaper the Wall Street Journal.

Thus, according to the newspaper, the number of border troops of China on Chinese-North Korean border in recent years has been increased by one brigade, for the civilian population in the border areas to build shelters.

The strengthening of the border between the two countries was initiated by China after the first nuclear test conducted by the DPRK in 2006, according to the publication.

Observers believe that strengthening the Chinese-Korean border due to a possible US military operations against Pyongyang in response to its provocative ballistic missile launches and pursuit of nuclear weapons programs. Washington has repeatedly stated that it does not remove the issue of military settlement of the North Korean problem from the agenda.

Beijing has consistently advocated resolving the crisis through negotiations and opposed to military intervention.

