Established the identity of the attacker with a chainsaw on people in Switzerland

Established the identity of the attacker with a chainsaw on people in Switzerland

MOSCOW, 24 Jul — RIA Novosti. The police have established the identity of the man attacked with a chainsaw in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, they found 51-year-old Frank Brosis who last week lived in the woods near the city, according to the newspaper Blick.

Have Brusis, according to the publication, no fixed abode, lately he lived in the community Avisen two kilometers from Schaffhausen. Thus, according to the locals, sometimes he was aggressive.

So kam Franz Wrousis (51) nach Schaffhausen: Das Leben des Motorsägen-Mannes

— Blick (@Blickch) July 24, 2017
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As told one of the residents of the commune of Beromunster who Brusis previously rented an apartment, he moved in with him after a car accident in which he was injured. Another witness, who knew Brusis, stated that he sought solitude and was going to go to the mountains.

The police reported that Brosis was a client of the insurance company CSS Assurance. Currently we are searching for the attacker, law enforcement has warned that it is “dangerous, aggressive and suffering from mental problems.

Earlier it was reported that unknown with a chainsaw attacked the people in the town of Schaffhausen in Northern Switzerland, five people were injured, two of them seriously. The attack occurred in the branch of the insurance company CSS Assurance. The man fled the scene by car.

Does anybody know anything? We are save btw but i dont know whats going on? #Schaffhausen

— laura (@laurarapold) July 24, 2017
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