Putin has told about a life without social networks



Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he has no account in social networks. He told about it on Friday, July 21, during a visit to Sochi educational center “Sirius” for gifted children, the correspondent “reports Tapes.ru”.

The head of state added that at the end of a hard day he was more worried about not the Internet, and how “quickly to the bed to get to.” “Employees of my office actively use the Internet, but I’m personally almost there,” he said.

Speaking of nicknames, Putin noted that he does not understand why people hide in social networks with a pseudonym. “I began my work in foreign intelligence and used because of the need for pseudonyms, and now this for me is absurd,” — said the President, adding that previously presented by EA Platov.

Stream “Grown-up conversation with Vladimir Putin” also is in “Vkontakte” and “Classmates”.

