Putin has explained the refusal of an umbrella on a rainy June 22

The President of Russia Vladimir Putin during communication with the students of the educational center “Sirius” explained why he refused an umbrella when laying flowers to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier on June 22. The conversation of the President with children broadcasts NTV “Vkontakte”.

According to Putin, he even thought to do that when things are handled well. “I think it’s okay. Not sugar, not Rustem” he said.

The President also noted that he does not believe that someone has violated the Protocol, opening the umbrellas. “Especially women (…). They should take care of himself and look respectable,” — said the head of state.

This year the Day of memory and grief, June 22, Putin traditionally lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Kremlin wall. During the ceremony, the rain started, however, the President refused an umbrella and remained standing with his head uncovered. The behavior of the Russian leader, welcomed on social networks by running there a flash mob with the hashtag #mypresident.

