Peskov told about a re-hike of Ministers for ice cream

Ministers and Industrialists, which Russian President Vladimir Putin was treated to ice cream during a visit to the MAKS air show 2017 re-returned to the dessert tray, said press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. His words on Tuesday, July 18, leads the correspondent of”.ru”.

“Putin paid money for ice cream, ice cream many people took the money,” — said the representative of the Kremlin on the question of why Putin and the head of Rostec Sergey Chemezov gave the seller a few thousand rubles.

Peskov also said that guests re-approached the tray with ice cream during a demonstration flight. He agreed with the joke of journalists that the President has kind of opened credit line in the stall. “You could say that,” — said Peskov.

“And invited all the attendants to take advantage of this credit line, which they did with great gusto,” — said the press Secretary of the President.

Earlier on Tuesday, visited the exhibition MAKS-2017, the President, accompanied by members of the Cabinet and the leadership of industrial enterprises came to the tent with ice cream. He paid for the dessert thousandth bill and proposed to treat of Ministers to change. Chemezov, in turn, handed the clerk a five-thousandth bill. The video clip shows the disassembled ice cream.

Dmitry Peskov and head of the Ministry of industry and trade Denis Manturov chose the horn “from Cow Korenovki”, the Minister of transport Maxim Sokolov, as well as the President, chose the sundae in the Cup for 60 rubles. Deputy Chairman of Russian government Dmitry Rogozin did not have ice cream, which the President treated the audience, explaining the failure of the diet.

