Thousands of camels were victims of the conflict Qatar with Arab countries

Thousands of camels owned by Qataris who died of thirst after the government of Saudi Arabia asked to remove the herd from their territory. About it reports The Independent.

“I came back from Saudi Arabia. I saw with my own eyes more than 100 dead camels lying in the road, and hundreds of dead sheep,” said the owner of the herd Hussein al-Marri. According to various estimates, in recent days, when you return to Qatar died from 12 thousand to 25 thousand camels.

Qatari government decided to help farmers and organized near the boundaries of the special camp, containing about eight thousand “ships of the desert”, which brought water and food. The condition of animals kept by veterinarians. The Ministry of environment announced that in the near future organise a few extra pens.

Prior to the sanctions, Qatari farmers had the opportunity to place their farm animals in the neighboring Kingdom.

5 June Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE announced the severance of diplomatic relations with Qatar, accusing Doha of destabilizing the political situation in the Arab States and supporting terrorism. The boycott was later joined by Yemen, Libya, Maldives, Mauritius, Mauritania, Union of Comoros. At the same time against Doha imposed sanctions, including, in particular, a ban on the supply of food in the country. The government of Qatar, all deny the charges and call the isolation an infringement of States to sovereignty.

