The OSCE PA adopted a resolution on the restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine

The OSCE parliamentary Assembly adopted a resolution on “the Restoration of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine”, which is opposed by the Russian delegation, reports TASS.

The document contains a call for Russia to “urgently provide unhindered access” to the Crimea and Sevastopol international organizations, institutions, special procedures and independent experts of the OSCE, UN and Council of Europe, human rights non-governmental organizations or the media.

Head of the Russian delegation to the OSCE PA, Vice-speaker of the state Duma Pyotr Tolstoy said that almost each of the 36 points the authors of the resolution put forward accusations against Russia.

“We didn’t want to go this route, therefore, offered to withdraw from the consideration of the resolution. But if the Assembly wants, Russia can provide 136 points on the facts of violation of fundamental rights, all international norms on the part of the current Ukrainian authorities that came to power in a coup”, he said.

Also, in the draft resolution, adopted on 7 July, Russia offered to cancel the decision on reunification with Crimea and “withdraw its forces” from the Peninsula.

Crimea became a Russian region after held there in March 2014 referendum in which 96.77 percent of voters in Crimea and 95.6% of residents of Sevastopol voted for joining Russian Federation. Ukraine still considers Crimea its but temporarily occupied territory.

