Spouse trump unsuccessfully tried to take it away from the meeting with Putin

Spouse trump unsuccessfully tried to take it away from the meeting with Putin

Moscow. July 7. INTERFAX.RU — US First lady Melania trump came into the room, where he was meeting Donald trump and Vladimir Putin during the talks, said on Friday the us Secretary of state Rex Tillerson.

“All stood at the door. I even think that they (team members trump — if) at some point, sent the first lady to check whether she will be able to take us out, but it also did not work,” he told American reporters. After that, the talks between the leaders of the US and Russia lasted for another hour.

“Definitely, the idea failed,” added Tillerson.

Previously, he said that the two presidents did not want to end the conversation. “Between the two of them had a very clear positive understanding,” said the U.S. Secretary of state.

