In Hamburg arrested and detained more than 200 activists during the protests

In Hamburg arrested and detained more than 200 activists during the protests

Moscow. July 8. INTERFAX.RU — the Guards of Hamburg have arrested 114 people and detained another 89 activists who clashed with police after demonstrations by anti-globalists in Hamburg for the past two days, reports on Saturday Agency Associated Press.

In addition, trauma and injury as a result of collision has received more than 200 police officers.

Police in Hamburg called witness of shares to spread in social networks photos and videos of the riots in order to help the investigation.

In the night of Saturday, activists erected barricades on the streets of rubber and debris, torched several vehicles and ransacked the supermarket and shops.

Utilities of the city use heavy equipment to clean the streets of Hamburg.

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At the same time, the Agency said, the peaceful demonstrators on the streets of the city at the present time dance with live music and launch it into the sky balloons of scarlet.

The first action of anti-globalists took place in Hamburg on the eve of the G20 summit. Subsequently, peaceful demonstrations escalated into protests and riots.

The G20 summit takes place in the German Hamburg on 7-8 July.

