Onf intends to achieve indexing for all recipients of the presidential grants in the field of culture


RIA Novosti

Cultural figures supported the proposal of the Russian popular front (onf) and the presidential Administration to index presidential grants in the field of culture and the arts 44% from July 2017.

This “Газете.Ru” said the participants of the meeting, which was attended by activists of the popular front, heads of institutions of culture and art, representatives of the Ministry of culture and the presidential Administration of Russia.

It is noted that currently the list of recipients of grants of the President approved in late 2015, includes 83 staff and educational organization. By order of the President, the Ministry of Finance in its calculations and decided to proceed from the fact that the rate of inflation over the past five years should be indexed only grants to 45 groups

The onf announced that it will continue to seek inclusion in the list of fellows of the Perm state academic Opera and ballet theatre. P. I. Tchaikovsky, as well as Theatre of Nations, “theatre art Studio”, and other leading groups.

“The selective approach of the Ministry of Finance distorts the meaning of the President’s orders, the popular front will insist that indexing should take into account all 83 of the creative team,” said head of the working group “Education and culture as the basis of national identity”, the Deputy of the state Duma Lyubov Dukhanina.

Experts of the popular front spoke for the need to expand the list of grant recipients, which will continue to keep the President’s instruction on the control until its execution in full.

