Onf has declared its intention to pursue the indexation of grants in the field of culture

Lyubov Dukhanina

Russian popular front (onf) will achieve the indexation of grants of the President of Russia in the field of culture and art. This is stated in the press release received by the editors”.ru” on Thursday, July 6.

Cultural figures supported the proposal of the popular front and the Russian presidential administration to index the grants of the head of state, 44 percent from July 2017, the report says.

The onf recalled that President Vladimir Putin instructed from July 1, to ensure the indexation of grants, “based on the level of inflation, established by Federal law for the next financial year and planning period, starting in 2012”. However, the Ministry of Finance calculated the additional subsidy only 45 of the 83 groups-grantees, approved at the end of 2015. Were not taken into account, in particular, the “Virtuosi of Moscow” orchestra under the baton of Yuri Bashmet.

“The selective approach of the Ministry of Finance distorts the meaning of the President’s orders, the popular front will insist that indexing should take into account all 83 of the creative team,” said head of the working group “Education and culture as the basis of national identity”, the Deputy of the state Duma Lyubov Dukhanina.

Head of the St. Petersburg academic ballet theatre of Boris Eifman stressed that in 2009, choosing between the presidential grant and a grant from the government which was then headed by Vladimir Putin, chose the latter. “As a result, in the current situation, I have a question not only financial, but also moral: so what, it turns out, the freshness of my art?” he said.

The press release notes that to subsidize cultural institutions, is not taken into account by the Ministry of Finance must also 747,2 million rubles. While the Ministry has established the amount of more than 1,6 billion rubles.

4 may on the Kremlin website has published the list of presidential instructions following meeting of the media forum, which was conducted by the onf in early April. In particular, the government was requested to ensure that from 1 July indexation of presidential grants. In addition, the list of grantees were to get the Perm state academic theatre of Opera and ballet named after P. I. Tchaikovsky.

