Zakharova found further evidence of the campaign against Damascus

Maria Zakharova

The representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova on Monday, July 3, on his page on Facebook told about the next round of awareness-raising campaigns against the Syrian authorities.

To his post, she attached a statement of the Free Syrian army with accusations against Damascus about the alleged use of chemical weapons in Eastern Huta.

“”Chemical show” is gaining momentum. Another indication that the media campaign against Damascus was launched, the message about “use of poison gas in East ghouta”. A piece of paper, decorated by all the canons of the Western press services, fix the beginning of a “chemical attack” and it condemns,” wrote Zakharov.

Also foreign Ministry spokesman said “perfect English language” publication, which is characteristic of resolutions of the UN Security Council and other international documents.

“These phrases will then be offered the Western colleagues, for working, for example, on the presidential statement of the security Council condemning “chemical attacks of the regime against civilians,””, — Zakharov wrote, adding that “this is just the beginning”.

2 Jul Zakharov warned about the beginning of propaganda campaign against Damascus. So she reacted to the information that government forces used chlorine in the Eastern suburbs of the Syrian capital. The command of the army of the Arab Republic, and the Russian officers of the Center for reconciliation data on chemical attack denied.

On 26 June, the Pentagon reported that the Syrian government is preparing a new chemical attack. Later, the head of the U.S. Department of defense James Mattis claimed that the Syrian government has abandoned these plans due to warning US.

