Experts have found possible transmitters of the virus Petya

Experts have found possible transmitters of the virus Petya

Experts of the company ESET has established a link between the spread of the virus and Petya hacker group Telebots. This is stated in the press release received by the editors”.ru” on Tuesday, July 4.

To such conclusion experts came on the basis of the infrastructure analysis of the intruders, as well as a set of tools, schemes and purposes of the attacks.

“To accurately determine who is behind the activities of this group, currently not possible”, — noted in the company.

Experts also found that the in-office program M.E.Doc where was the contagion was contained sophisticated hidden backdoor. The vulnerability has been detected in three software updates released in 2017.

27 Jun Petya virus attacked computer systems in Ukraine, Russia, Italy, Israel, Serbia, USA and other countries. The spread of the virus began with Ukrainian organizations.

The attackers blocked the victims ‘ computers and demanded a ransom for the information on them in the amount of $ 300 in bitcoins. Later experts have found that hackers had not planned to restore access to encrypted data, and intended to destroy them.

