Israel struck Syrian military

The Israeli army attacked Syrian artillery positions from where you were previously running mortar shells fired at the Jewish state-controlled part of the Golan heights. This is stated in the communique a press-service of Army of defence of Israel, which is quoted by TASS.

“In response to the shells fired at Israel from Syria, the army attacked Syrian artillery positions from where you were previously running a mine,” — said the military.

According to the press service, on Saturday evening, two released in Syria a mortar shell landed on the Israeli side of the Golan. The army noted that “the flight stray shells is the result of the internal fighting in Syria.”

According to the Lebanese TV channel “al-Mayadin”, the result of this attack, the losses in the ranks of the Syrian troops there, suffered only material damage.

According to the channel, Syrian troops backed by militia freed on Saturday all positions previously captured by the terrorist group “dzhebhat an-Nusra” (banned in Russia) on the outskirts of the city-satellite of El-Baath neighborhood of El-Kuneitra. During the fighting they destroyed one of leaders of terrorists of Abu Abdullah al-Nuaimi.

This is the fifth such incident since June 24. The Israeli army in response to the flight of the shells in the Golan every time to strike back at targets in Syria.

The Golan heights, for half a century controlled by Israel, is one of many disputed territories in the middle East. From 1944 to 1967, they belonged to Syria, then during the six day war were captured by the Jewish state and subsequently annexed. The UN Security Council has recognized the incident as illegal. Both Israel and Syria consider the Golan part of its territory.

