About 2.5 million people went on mass celebrations in Moscow

Participants in a theatrical production of “Streletskaya review” in Tver on June 12 Approximately 2.5 million people in Moscow participated in the festivities and the mass celebrations devoted to Day of Russia. This was reported on the website of the MIA on Monday, June 12. “Police officers together with representatives of Regardie and voluntary people’s guards to maintain public order and security”, — said the press service. In Moscow on Monday passed a historic reconstruction of the festival “Times and epochs” and other festive events. On Sakharov Avenue held a rally of the opposition, whose members tried to get him in the end. According to police, the share reached 1.8 thousand people. Ministry of internal Affairs reports about detainees, their exact number is not yet known. Russia day is celebrated for the fifteenth time. Ten years before that it existed as the Day of adoption of Declaration on state sovereignty

In Moscow and St. Petersburg detained 650 participants of protest actions

In Moscow and St. Petersburg detained 650 participants of protest actions In the course of uncoordinated protest actions in Moscow and St. Petersburg, police detained about 650 people. The interior Ministry claims that the capital took to the streets 4500 opposition. As reported by “RIA Novosti” with reference to the official representative of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia Irina Wolf, in Moscow after the uncoordinated action of the opposition were detained 150 people. According to her, they were taken to the bodies of internal Affairs for trial for violations of public order. In St. Petersburg, according to Wolf, police detained for various violations of the 500 participants. In turn, the publication of “OVD-info” reported that as of 18:45 GMT in the capital, was arrested 731 people who were transported in 39 police departments. The total number of unauthorized actions in Moscow, the interior Ministry estimated at 4,500, in

Russia has managed to clearly define national interests, Putin said

Russia has managed to clearly define national interests, Putin said MOSCOW, June 12 — RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that Russia is “our people have survived not only the rapid breakthrough to a new, and without this it is impossible to develop, but also extremely dangerous, disturbing time of the weakening of the state, the blurring of the vulnerability of the social fabric”. In his speech at the solemn reception in the Kremlin in honor of Russian President noted that “all these difficulties were overcome”. Year after year along with the development of democratic institutions increased the level of openness of a society came awareness of the importance of their own roots and traditions, the understanding that you need to go forward only strong, self-reliant and independent country.Vladimir Putin He noted that “the power of the state ensures political stability, unity of purpose and cohesion”. “Together we have

Politico: the European Parliament is thinking about renovation of its headquarters in Brussels

Politico: the European Parliament is thinking about renovation of its headquarters in Brussels Headquarters intend to demolish and build in its place a new residence costing at least half a billion euros. BRUSSELS, June 12. /Offset. Victoria Dubrovina TASS/. The European Parliament intends to demolish its headquarters in Brussels in the building of glass and concrete with a height of 39 meters and a cost of €1 billion, which was constructed in 1993, and in its place to build himself a new residence costing at least half a billion euros. This was announced by the Brussels newspaper Politico, referring to the confidential report of the head of the internal administration of the European Parliament Klaus Welle. The question of the future of the building will be submitted for session of the European Parliament, which starts on 12 June in Strasbourg. Politico notes that the main argument in favour of an

The head of the state Duma Committee commented on the idea of creating

Photo: RIA Novosti The creation of a “Council of bloggers” in the state Duma is a personal initiative of the Deputy Vasily Vlasov, who is trying to increase their citation in the Internet, said the head of the Committee of the lower house of the Russian Parliament on information policy, information technologies and communications Leonid Levin. “The creation of a “Council of bloggers” in the state Duma is a personal initiative of the Deputy from the liberal democratic party, which after the parliamentary hearings on the youth policy, proposed to create first a similar structure at the Committee of information policy, and now in himself,” said Levin reporters, commenting on the fact that Vlasov will hold a June 19 meeting of the “Council of bloggers”. He stressed that this initiative has no relation to the decision of the state Duma. “In the same way such councils, commissions, committees (as appropriate)

The Pentagon has reported the interception of a KC-135 Russian aircraft over the Baltic sea

Photo: : David B. Gleason A Russian fighter jet intercepted an American military transport aircraft KC-135 over the Baltic sea. This statement was made by Pentagon spokesman Jeff Davis. His words RIA Novosti reported. “It was a plane, KC-135, he has participated in exercise Baltops. Was the interception of a Russian plane. It was a normal and safe interception, which happens a lot,” said Davis. Davis added that the incident has caused concern among the American authorities. On June 6 Russian su-27 fighter intercepted over the Baltic sea bomber b-52 U.S. air force, sent to Europe to participate in the exercises of the Alliance.

Ivanka trump did not expect “such a level of ill will” to the father

Ivanka trump did not expect “such a level of ill will” to the father MOSCOW, June 12 — RIA Novosti. The eldest daughter and adviser Ivanka trump said that he did not expect such a level of malevolence towards his father Donald Trump and his administration. “I did not expect such a level of malevolence… But not supposed to be easy,” — said Ivanka trump on the question of the leader of TV program “Fox & Friends” about how is it hard to stick to political plans in the circumstances. My father and his administration are going to innovate… We plan to change the status quo.Ivanka Trump She also noted that in some cases she was “stunned strife, and the savagery” of what is happening. Trump regularly hits Twitter to such negatively inclined to it publications like the New York Times and CNN. On the contrary, he noted with satisfaction

In the South of Romania crashed MiG-21 air force

MiG-21 Romania air force During a training flight in the South of Romania crashed MiG-21 air force. It is reported by Adevarul. The accident occurred while conducting joint exercises with the Bulgarian air force. The pilot ejected. He was found by rescuers near the wreckage unconscious. Currently, the pilot is taken to hospital. Doctors diagnosed him with minor injuries, his life is out of danger. To investigate the causes of the accident, a special Commission. 18 may 2016 when landing in the heart of the Libyan city of Tobruk, crashed MiG-21 air force. The pilot of the plane died. The MiG-21 is a Soviet supersonic light tactical fighter of the third generation, developed in the mid 1950-ies. At present, various modifications are in service with several European, African and Asian countries.

In Germany arrested four alleged terrorists

Patrolman on the streets of Berlin German police detained in one of the districts of Hamburg, the four likely members of the terrorist group “Jabhat EN-Nusra” (banned in Russia). It is reported by Bild. The incident occurred at 4:30 local time (6:30 GMT). To the house, where the suspects drove several police cars. Security officers burst into the room and seized four men at the age from 39 to 51 years. Three of them, presumably brothers, the fourth is also their relative. German investigators believe that in 2012 they all joined the group “Dzhabhat EN-Nusra” and participated in the fighting against government forces in Syria. The decision on their arrest will be taken by the court, which will be held June 13. On April 14 in the town of Celle in Northern Germany in the hands of the police caught three people on suspicion of aiding terrorists. Among the arrested

The city authorities called the intention of the opposition to move rally a provocation

The intention of the opposition to move rally timed to the Day of Russia with the Sakharov Avenue on Tverskaya street — a provocation. This was announced by the head of the Moscow regional security Department Vladimir Chernikov, reports “Interfax”. “I hope that everything will go without any provocations, although the organizers already are provocative,” said the official. “The fact that we are ready for any scenario, should not cause doubt, the order will be achieved,” he added. The decision of the opposition to hold a rally, not where it was agreed, according to Chernikov, “it’s hard to comment from the point of view of common sense.” He said that on Sakharov Avenue are all ready for the meeting at midnight there was to begin a montage of scenes, but that never happens. In the capital the government Agency reported that the promoter of the novel Rubanov has not notified