MP-“nutritionist” Haffner suspected concealment of income

Ilya Gaffner

The Deputy of Legislative Assembly of Sverdlovsk region Ilya Gaffner (“United Russia”), advised the Russians to eat less in crisis and previously recognised by the bankrupt, is suspected of concealment of income. About TASS reported in the regional Prosecutor’s office on Monday, February 20.

According to the interlocutor of the Agency, in respect of Gaffney filed two administrative proceedings on the fact of concealing the property and obstructing the activities of arbitration Manager.

It is noted that in July 2016 the MP as an individual was declared insolvent, and then had to transfer their Bank card administrator, however, only two months later. All this time he received a salary.

“Gaffner asked that the money was issued to him on hands, although they had to be transparent, as against him was launched the bankruptcy procedure”, — explained in Prosecutor’s office. The Department believes that the passing of the estate to receive all the income of Gaffney and from which shall be paid his debts to creditors, and more than 400 thousand rubles.

Blame the MP, the Supervisory authority intends to prove in court.

In November last year, the Federation Council has developed a draft law that prohibits citizens who the court has declared insolvent, to hold a number of state and municipal posts. One of the authors of the legislative initiative, the Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on regulations Vladimir Poletaev explained that indigent civil servants could undermine the credibility of public authority.

The bankruptcy claim against Gaffney was filed in November of 2015 with the agricultural Bank in connection with debt at 196 million rubles. At the same time he was restricted to travel abroad.

In January of that year, the event EP on the monitoring of prices in stores lawmaker said the phrase that caused a public outcry: “We’re all Russians, the Russian people were hungry and cold, you just have to think about our health and less to eat”. He later claimed that his words were misunderstood.

