In facts and figures: the smell of fresh bread makes us kinder

In facts and figures: the smell of fresh bread makes us kinder

17 February — Day of spontaneous manifestation of kindness.

When we do someone good in our body increases the level of dopamine, the hormone of happiness.

The more kindness in the man, the less he is able to experience resentment.

Kindness is contagious, studies show that acts of kindness create a ripple effect. Should someone start, as others take the initiative.

Less than 2% of the donors hope to gain by donating blood something in return. Almost all just want to help those who are in trouble.

The smell of fresh bread makes us kinder, proved the experiments of British scientists.

Altruism, that is, the gratuitous kindness towards others, makes a person more attractive to the opposite sex, say British researchers. And women appreciate a partner altruism above all other qualities.

First impulses are selfless help, we are showing between 14 and 16 months of life, showed the work of German psychologists. So, there is a natural inclination to do good, isn’t caused by culture or upbringing.

30% less deaths due to stress in people living with good deeds than evil, selfish people.

There are many scientifically proven facts of altruism among animals — dolphins, walruses, cats, dogs… This proves that animals are guided in their behaviour not only by instincts, which means they are closer to us than we think.

At the time of committing good deeds, our body releases the hormone oxytocin, well influencing heart function, reduce blood pressure and slow the aging process.

80% of adult Russians are involved in charity work, half of them donate money, others share things, food, free do the job for others.

