A resident of Edinburgh (Scotland), which won the lottery a million pounds (more than $ 1.2 million), accused the organizers of the contest that the money ruined her life. This writes The Daily Mirror.
Jane Park (Jane Park) won the jackpot at the age of 17, when I first bought a lottery ticket. Four years later, the girl came to the conclusion that wasn’t supposed to win big, not minor. Plaid complained to the magazine that bore her clothes from famous designers and the rest on expensive resorts. “Sometimes I think that winning the lottery ruined my life,” she said.
According to Park, a large sum was to her a cause of serious stress. “I think people should be able to win the lottery after reaching 18 years of age,” she says. The organizers of the lottery offered the girl financial advice, but the Scot chose the advice of family members.
Earlier in February, it was reported that a resident of the U.S. state of Colorado won the lottery of $ 3.3 million after resigned.