In Moscow, arrested a pedophile

In Moscow on Friday evening, February 10, arrested a man suspected of committing a violent sexual assault against teenagers in the East of Moscow. About it “” said Yulia Ivanova, senior assistant to the head of the Moscow Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR).

He is suspected of committing crimes under paragraph “b” of part 4 of article 132 (“Violent actions of sexual nature against persons under the age of fourteen”) and parts 2 of article 133 (“Coercion to commit other acts of a sexual nature”) of the Criminal code.

“According to investigators, 49-year-old Gennady Semenov in the period from 2009 to 2017 in his apartment in Veshnjakovsky street were committed against two boys in 2001 and one of the boy 2003 year of birth sexual acts, and compel children to commit them,” — said Ivanov.

According to TFR, the man, acquainted with the boys on the street, presented by the Gene name, asked to go to “you”, and in the course of friendly conversation were invited to his home.

In a criminal case, investigators carried out searches at the place of residence and registration of the defendant seized CDs with videos with pornographic content. Assigned to the psychological-sexologo-psychiatric judicial examination.

The statement in law enforcement bodies received only this year. It is possible that the victims of his crimes are much more. “The investigation asks all who something knows about the illegal activities of the suspect, with a request to provide information on capital management on East administrative district, is located at the address: Moscow, Preobrazhenskaya Ploschad, building 2,” — said Ivanov.

