Matvienko: terrorism is a threat comparable to Nazi fascism



International terrorism is the largest since the Second world threat, comparable in its possible consequences with Hitler’s fascism. This opinion was expressed by Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko.

Matviyenko takes part in commemorative events dedicated to the Day of complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade, and the International Day of remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust. Speaker of the Federation Council laid flowers to the monument “Motherland” on Piskarevsky memorial cemetery and attended the prayer in the Great choral synagogue in memory of the victims of the blockade and the Holocaust.

“Today all of us face a risk comparable to the possible consequences of Hitler’s fascism, I mean international terrorism, she said during a conversation with representatives of the Jewish community of St. Petersburg after the prayer. – It is impossible to prevent the spread of this evil, the world must give him a decisive rebuff”.

“The international community has everything to rebuff international terrorism, crush its armed forces, to eliminate the ideological, political and social soil in which it grows”, – said the speaker of the Federation Council. “I am sure that common sense, understanding that terrorism is a real threat to the United States, Europe, the entire international community, though the biggest threat since the Second world war, will prevail,” – said Matvienko. “A historical example of creating a global anti-Hitler coalition should be a clear reference point for politicians of the XXI century. For its recurrence in a new environment with the good will of leading States of the planet,” she said.

On January 27, Russia celebrates the Day of complete liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade. 73 years ago Leningrad was liberated from the Nazi invaders after 872 days of blockade. In honor of this city held many special events.

On the same day, the international community remembers the victims of the Holocaust. 27 Jan 1945, Soviet troops liberated the Auschwitz concentration camp. International Day of remembrance of Holocaust victims was established by the UN General Assembly on 1 November 2005. The initiators of the adoption of the document by Israel, Canada, Australia, Russia, Ukraine, USA, and their co-authors more than 90 countries.

