Trump in his inaugural speech promised to return power to the people

Donald trump in his inaugural speech promised to return power to the American people. Live webcast of the event leads the TV channel “Russia 24”.

“We will stand the challenges we will face difficult times, but we’ll manage,” said the US President.

“We now return power to the people, which for too long held politicians in Washington, he said. — Too long a small group of politicians in Washington has flourished, while the people suffered. The establishment defended itself, and not the people. Their victories were not your victories, triumphs, your triumphs. Poor family suffered. I swear, this will change. This moment — your right. No matter that now one party after another. It is important that January 20, 2017 is the day when people once again became rulers of their country. They will never allow to forget about themselves and not to be reckoned with”.

In Washington near the Capitol January 20, the inauguration of the 45th President of the USA of Donald trump. Trump took the oath on two Bibles. The first was given to his mother in 1955 in honor of the Sunday school, and the second belonged to the 16th US President Abraham Lincoln.

Republican candidate Donald trump has won the presidential election in November 2016, ahead of the democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

