McCain has ruled out U.S. cooperation with Russia

John McCain

Us Senator John McCain has ruled out U.S. cooperation with Russia on any issues, including in the fight against the terrorists banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state”. He said this in his opening remarks during the approval process a potential defense Secretary James Mattis, video stream available on the website Politico.

According to the Senator, the interest of President Vladimir Putin is strengthening Russia and weakening of the United States, and therefore cooperation with Moscow excluded. McCain said that three previous US President, Barack Obama, George Bush and bill Clinton — tried to restore relations with Russia, but failed through the fault of Moscow.

The US President-elect Donald trump on 11 January during a press conference said that no plans to restart relations with Moscow. He added that, if the relationship between the two leaders deteriorated, it will be much harder to treat Putin than Democrat Hillary Clinton, his opponent in the presidential election.

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According to Putin himself, the problems in relations between the two countries created including statements in Washington about the exclusivity. “(…) This is completely redundant, and this creates certain problems in the relationship, not only with Russia, I think,” — said the Russian leader during his visit to Japan.

In 2009, Clinton, who was then Secretary of state, to commemorate the restoration of relations with Russia presented the Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov with a souvenir button on which the Latin letters were written Peregruzka.

