Serbian police stopped the carriage 77 illegal migrants in the EU

Serbia: police arrested three people on suspicion of transportation of illegal migrants through the territory of the country. About it reports Reuters.

Two were arrested in the Central part of Serbia: they were trying to drive to the Hungarian border 36 people from Afghanistan and Mali, hiding them in the trunk of the minivan. A few hours later nearby, police intercepted a truck with German numbers, in a container which showed 41 migrant. The driver, a Serb by nationality, was also arrested.

Until March 2016, the so-called “Balkan route” of smuggling of migrants to Europe through Greece, Macedonia and Serbia are considered to be core. However, once the EU has signed a deal with Turkey, promising in exchange for the overlap of the transit refugees money and a number of political concessions, and bordering with Serbia the country has erected on the borders of fences, the flow was thought to have almost dried up.

According to new data from the Serbian authorities, during those months across the country was leaked to the EU more than 110 thousand migrants, which are mostly illegally crossed to the territory of Hungary. While the military and police managed to capture only 18 of the thousands of refugees and the arrest of 114 smugglers. In Serbia now, there are about 7 thousand migrants.

