Daily Mail said about the passenger “train Ghost” in the UK

Daily Mail said about the passenger “train Ghost” in the UK

In the UK there are a number of railway routes which are hardly used by passengers.

Plying on them trains called “train Ghost”, says the publication the Daily Mail.

An expert in the field of railway transport mark Smith (Mark Smith) explained to the newspaper that unprofitable companies to abandon these areas.

The official procedure for the closure of such routes requires a lot of money, time and effort.

Therefore, rail operators easier from time to time start on such stretches of road trains, which are often empty except for the drivers.

According to Smith, it should be done at least once in seven days. “I think once a week is the minimum,” — said the expert.

The mysterious UK ‘ghost trains’ – that run to keep lines open https://t.co/gaiWfvJ0IH @MailOnline

— Allan-Walter-Wilson (@Shilowilson) 12 Dec 2016

As the expert says, these routes are usually not very long. As an example, he cited the example of the direction between the town of Stalybridge and Manchester. The length of this stretch of road is about 13 kilometers.

Some British people are trying to travel the whole country on all trains of the United Kingdom, turning it into a hobby. They are mainly and be the only passengers of those “Ghost” trains.

