Where 7 powerful kingdoms that few people know
Where 7 powerful kingdoms that few people know They were only ruins and legends. Phrygia. Phrygia extended on the territory of modern Turkey. She flourished in the 8th century BC, and disappeared shortly after the arrival in Asia Minor of the Romans. In Phrygia were mined for gold, so the Kingdom was very rich and powerful. Because of this, even the legend of king Midas and his “Golden gift” — everything he touched turned into gold. View this post in Instagram Publication of Nadide Tanverdi Acay (@hnacay) Nov 10, 2018 7:28 PST During the download an error has occurred. The mythical Midas was a historical prototype. The Midas was the name of several kings of Phrygia. The most famous lived in the 7th century BC. The tyrant was defeated by the Cimmerians and killed himself by drinking bull blood. Gandhara The mighty Kingdom of the 17th century BC stretched from