71-year-old Frenchman went to barrel across the Atlantic

71-year-old Frenchman went to barrel across the Atlantic

Cross the Atlantic in a barrel, using only the power of ocean currents, decided 71-year-old Frenchman Jean-Jacques Savin.

Barrel — reinforced sealed capsule, built of plywood and covered with resin. It has a bed, sink, stove, storage space for supplies and inventory.

Jean-Jacques Savin sailed from El Hierro, the smallest of the Canary Islands, and expects to reach the Antilles in just three months. Along the way he will throw special markers to monitor that will help scientists learn more about ocean currents.

NewsSurfer tripped over the shark and fell

“Perfect weather, wave height is 1 meter, and I’m moving at a speed of 2-3 km/h,” reported the French AFP news Agency by phone.

“At the moment, the capsule behaves very well, and if you believe the forecast, the wind will not change until the resurrection.”

