Doctors told about the dangers of swimming in the hole

Doctors told about the dangers of swimming in the hole MOSCOW, 16 Jan — RIA Novosti. Bathing in the ice hole at the Baptism can hardly be good for the body unseasoned humans, however, can carry threats, according to respondents RIA Novosti experts. The day of Epiphany Orthodox Christians celebrate on January 19 (January 6, old style). Baptism along with Easter is the oldest Christian holidays in Russia are traditionally accompanied by mass bathing in the icy water to consecrate the hole. “From a medical point of view, bathing in Baptism for the average person, except for the alleged threats, the significant effect does not carry. If we are talking about an untrained person the probability that he will get more problems than good, it has a higher”, — told RIA Novosti therapist Marina Anisimov. She explained that healthy people who decide to swim in the hole without preparation, you

In Serbia on the eve of Putin’s visit detained a group of militants

In Serbia on the eve of Putin’s visit detained a group of militants In the Serbian town of Novi Pazar, which is the village centre, a predominantly Muslim region of Sandzak, the security services detained several of the Wahhabis. They found weapons and materials for making explosives. In particular, 21-year-old Islamist Armin Alibasic was arrested by Serbian security services and the police in the evening on Sunday. According to the Belgrade newspaper Blic, the arrest had been made on one of the streets of Novi Pazar. In the backpack of a detainee was discovered the rifle with telescopic sight and a few knives. After that, the house of Alibasic in an urban area Bukres was searched. The result was the propaganda and symbols of the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (banned in Russia), and in the attic — chemicals which, according to experts, can be used to make explosives. Arsenal seized

The head region of Buryatia became the defendant in a criminal case after the illegal spending for bridge repair

The head region of Buryatia became the defendant in a criminal case after the illegal spending for bridge repair ULAN-UDE, January 16. /TASS/. A criminal case was opened against the head of the Barguzin district of Buryatia, the official charged with unlawful use of allocated from the reserve Fund of 1.5 million rubles for the repair of the bridge. This was announced to journalists on Wednesday in a press-service of the regional SU RF IC. “A criminal case against the head of the municipal formation “Barguzinsky district” Alexei Balueva. He is suspected of committing a crime under part 2 of article 286 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (“Excess of powers of office”)”, — reported in Department. The sanction of this part of article provides till seven years of imprisonment. According to investigators, in December 2017 due to the partial destruction of the needed repair of the bridge over

The court in the case of drug Lord El Chapo told that the former President of Mexico, received from him a bribe of $100 million

The court in the case of drug Lord El Chapo told that the former President of Mexico, received from him a bribe of $100 million Former associate of Mexican cartel leader Joaquin Guzman, nicknamed El Chapo (“Shorty”) Alex Cifuentes on the court in new York said that the drug Lord gave a bribe of $100 million to former President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto. On 15 January, AP reported, citing a statement by the Cifuentes. Cifuentes, said that the bribe was handed over in October 2012 through the close of Guzman under the pseudonym “godmother Mary”. According to him, it happened after Peña Nieto was elected but before his inauguration. Head of the administration of former Mexican President called the accusations “false and defamatory and absurd.” He added that El Chapo tracked down, arrested and sent to the United States is the government of peña Nieto. “Since the beginning of

Big press conference of Sergey Lavrov. The main thing

Big press conference of Sergey Lavrov. The main thing Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov held a big press conference at the end of 2018. The Minister answered the questions of the media about Russia’s relations with the US and NATO, the dispute over the Kuril Islands, the situation with the detention of Russians abroad, as well as the crisis in Ukraine and Syria. About relations with the West and the dispute over the Kuril Islands Promoted by the West “order, rule-based” implies short-term solutions to world problems and the pressure on uncooperative Nations, said the foreign Minister. He said that in 2018, the world situation remained precarious, increasing the potential for conflict. Lavrov called on Western countries to abandon attempts of unfair competition through sanctions. The Minister has called the demands to transfer to Japan the southern Kuril Islands to contravene the country’s obligations under the UN Charter, one of the

Bees built a hive near a group dance (video)

Bees built a hive near a group dance (video) Fascinates and frightens at the same time. Netizens took to Vietnam eerie sight — clinging to hive a swarm of bees was moving in the style of the wave (so often do sports fans in the stadiums). During the download an error has occurred. Honey bees with the help of such movements, deter wasps, hornets and other enemies, encroached on their honey. The wave effect is due to the fact that bees take turns upwards at an angle of 90 degrees. These manipulations created a continuous movement of the entire swarm. See also: Scientists: male and female bees have radically different tastes Bees-the rebels were susceptible to parasitism Work in the lab has shown how a bee under an electron microscope

German scientists have calculated how much craft beer loses flavor during storage

German scientists have calculated how much craft beer loses flavor during storage Researchers from the technical University of Munich decided to find out how and in what conditions you need to keep craft beer, so it does not lose its taste properties. The experiments showed that the specific flavor of the hops is lost by a third after three months storage in a cool place, and that it disappears even faster faster if you store beer at room temperature. In General, the beer, unlike wine, the fresher the better, straight reads the article, published in the journal of Brewing Science. The newsof the Murmansk branch of “Mail of Russia” have started to sell beer Special taste of craft beer is achieved by adding the hops in brewed beer. The main role here plays a substance called 4-mercapto-4-methylpentan-2-it, the smell which resembles the smell of black berries, black currants. Just a

Canadian Minister held a press conference on the street and became a star Network

Canadian Minister held a press conference on the street and became a star Network He just didn’t have to leave the water in the cold. The Minister for indigenous Affairs Canada Seamus O’regan received his share of Internet fame after he held a press conference in Ottawa. For unknown reasons, to gather the journalists decided at the press center and on the street. Despite the fact that the temperature of the air the moment she was about -12 degrees. Here’s what happens when you have a cabinet shuffle press conference outside in Ottawa in the dead of Canadian winter. — CBC News: The National (@CBCTheNational) January 14, 2019. That’s what happens when you conduct a press conference outdoors in Ottawa during the canadian winter. Coming to the media, O’regan, first decided to drink water, which was in advance prepared by the organizers. Only neither they nor the Minister did

In Serbia arrested Islamic radical suspected of preparing a terrorist attack

In Serbia arrested Islamic radical suspected of preparing a terrorist attack BELGRADE, 16 Jan — RIA Novosti. The Agency of information and security (BIA) of Serbia and the police detained in the town of Novi Pazar and member of the Islamist movement suspected of preparing a terrorist attack, the newspaper writes Blic, citing its own sources. Dvadtsatiodnoletny Armin Alibasic on Sunday detained on the streets of Novi Pazar, 260 kilometers South-West from Belgrade, in the backpack when it found a BB gun with a telescopic sight and a few knives. “After this, a search was conducted of his house in the village Bukres, in which was found the flags of the IG* promotional materials and literature of this terrorist organization. In the attic of detected chemicals, which can be used for making explosives,” — said an unnamed source. It is specified that unknown, could the detainee was found using chemicals

Putin called the “politicking” the establishment of the new Church of Ukraine

Putin called the “politicking” the establishment of the new Church of Ukraine Russian President Vladimir Putin called the creation of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine political project for the “separation of peoples”. “None of what the spiritual life it is not a question — we are dealing with a dangerous and irresponsible politicking,” said the Russian President in an interview to the Serbian editions of “Politika” and “Evening news”. He added that Russia does not intend to interfere in Church processes, “especially on the territory of a neighboring sovereign state.” According to Mr. Putin, in these processes there is a danger, “including for world Orthodoxy”. “However, few people care about and in the leadership of Ukraine, and the United States, because the new Church structure is purely political, secular project,” he added. We will remind, the Ukrainian authorities in April 2018 have decided to form their own Orthodox Church independent