Congress has banned military cooperation between the U.S. and Russia

The house of representatives approved on Friday, 2 December, a draft defense budget for 2017, which, in particular, imposes a ban on military cooperation with Russia. The document was supported by 375 congressmen voted against 34. The bill forbids to allocate funds for military cooperation between Washington and Moscow until such time as the Pentagon in coordination with the U.S. Department of state notifies Congress that Russia stopped “occupation of the territory of Ukraine and the aggressive actions that threaten the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and members of NATO.” The document also imposes a ban on funding any activities that recognize Crimea as part of Russia. At the same time he admits the removal of restrictions, provided that the Pentagon will convince Congress of the necessity of this step in the national interest of the United States. In addition, the bill provides for the allocation of $ 4.3

The Irish Parliament legalized cannabis for medical purposes

The lower house of the Irish Parliament (Doyle Eren) passed a law allowing the use of cannabis for medical purposes. About it reports The Independent. The document was adopted without a vote. The government has already declared that it will not obstruct the passage of the law. Now he will be considered by the relevant Committee, which must prepare an opinion on the medical value of cannabis. After a bill the President will sign, the doctors can prescribe cannabis to patients suffering from cancer, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia and chronic pain. At the moment the use of cannabis for medical purposes in Europe is legal in Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany (only with the permission of the Federal Institute for drugs and medical products), Italy, Macedonia, Netherlands, Poland and Spain.

In the Scenarios considered the new Conception of foreign policy non-confrontational

Konstantin Kosachev A new foreign policy Concept signed by President Vladimir Putin on 1 December, is not confrontational. The Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev wrote in his blog on the website of the upper house of Parliament. Kosachev described the document as “Concept of continuity” and noted that it requires a deep understanding. According to the Senator, the Concept reflects the dramatic changes in world politics over the last three years, the Ukrainian crisis, the rise of international terrorism, the aggravation of the North Korean nuclear issue, the immigration crisis in Europe. The Senator was particularly marked in the document the idea of promoting Russian interests with “soft power”, in particular, the Russian media in the global information space and civil society. “The concept doesn’t look confrontational towards anyone — on the contrary, the willingness to cooperate is confirmed in relation to any of

In Aleppo profit assessment mission of the UN

Evaluation of the UN mission arrived in the liberated from the militants in the neighborhoods of Aleppo. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the statement of the official representative of the UN Secretary General Stefan Dujarric. The first mission, composed of representatives of various humanitarian agencies of the UN, is now in the districts of Eastern Aleppo, captured from the insurgents by the government troops. Other works displaced from the liberated districts of people, assessing their needs and developing plans for the delivery of necessary assistance. According to Dujarric, at the moment all refugees from East Aleppo, the Syrian Arab Red Crescent has provided shelter, food, and medical care. According to the UN, in the occupied areas still remain about 250 thousand people. In recent days, Syrian government troops liberated from the terrorists more than 40 percent of Eastern Aleppo with 80 thousand inhabitants. More than five thousand

In Turkey agreed on a new draft Constitution

The leaders of the Turkish governing party of justice and development party (AKP) Binali Yildirim and the opposition nationalist movement Party (MHP) Devlet Bahceli agreed on the draft of the new Constitution. About it reports NTV. Now the draft basic law will be submitted for consideration to the Parliament. According to Yildirim, if the document is approved more than 330 deputies, it will be put to a referendum. The vote must take place no later than 60 days after the project is approved by the legislature. The draft of the new Constitution provides for a sharp increase in the powers of the President. In particular, the head of state will be able to lead the Cabinet of Ministers, or to single-handedly appoint the Prime Minister. In addition, in the case of the adoption of the document in direct subordination of the head of state will pass the country’s armed forces

Reuters said on the decisive role of Putin in reaching agreement within OPEC

Mohammed bin Salman and Vladimir Putin (archive photo) Russian President Vladimir Putin played a crucial role in regional rivals Iran and Saudi Arabia have agreed in the framework of the General agreement of OPEC to reduce oil production. About it reports Reuters, citing a number of sources both in the cartel and outside it. The Agency, in particular, has learned that Putin is successor to the Saudi crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Iran’s Supreme leader Ali Khamenei tried to find an agreement before the OPEC meeting on Wednesday, November 30. The Russian leader acted as a facilitator. According to the Agency, this suggests that Russia’s influence in the middle East increased from the moment when she decided to intervene in the Syrian conflict. In September Putin on the sidelines of the G20 meeting in China, met with Prince Mohammed. They both agreed to cooperate to help the global oil

In the port of Amsterdam went on strike, the crew of the Russian vessel

The crew of the Russian cargo vessel “Nikolai Kasatkin” assigned to the port of Nevelsk on Sakhalin declared a strike because of wage arrears. As reported by RIA Novosti, told reporters the head of the Kaliningrad branch of the Russian trade Union of sailors Vadim Mamontov. According to him, the ship with cargo of a crab from the Barents sea related to Yuzhno-Sakhalin, OOO “Sail”, was in Amsterdam under inspection for compliance with working conditions, skills and security, after which the sea he was banned. Inspection revealed that the arrears of crew wages for four months is about 90 thousand dollars, labor contracts drawn incorrectly, void the medical certificate of the crew on Board are not complied with safety requirements. “In addition, the ship supplies. And the crew informed on the phone family and friends on such sad stories on the courts, “Pavel Kopytin” and “Selenga”, declared a strike and

The ICRC has predicted a protracted battle for Mosul

Operation government forces and their allies to liberate the Iraqi city of Mosul could take months. About it in interview Reuters was declared by the Director of operations International Committee of the red cross (ICRC) Dominique Stillhart. “It is likely that we will see a prolonged confrontation with the very serious suffering of the people, which again will be trapped between two fronts”, he said. According to him, the militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) have a significant resistance, and therefore, will increase the intensity of the clashes, which hurt civilians. “Especially during street fighting”, — said the representative of the ICRC. December 1, Reuters, citing data from the us military reported that the Pentagon has acknowledged the deaths of 54 civilians in Iraq and Syria as a result of the air strikes of the US-led coalition from March to October of this year.

The new proclaimed king of Thailand Maha Vajiralongkorn

Maha Vajiralongkorn His Royal Highness crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn took the offer to become king of Thailand. Reported by Bangkok Post on Thursday, 1 December. His consent he expressed during a special ceremony. The participation in it was accepted by the Chairman of the Parliament of the country Pompet Viceconti, Prime Minister prayut Chan-OCHA and Supreme court Chairman Verapol Tungawan. The new monarch ascended to the throne as the 10th king of the Chakri dynasty (Rama X). His official name and title of His Majesty king Maha Vajiralongkorn Bodencreditbank. On 29 November, the Parliament of the Kingdom invited the 64-year-old Blunder Vajiralongkorn to take the throne. According to tradition he had to accept the offer. The new king is the only son of the late monarch Pumipon Adulyadej (Rama IX), who died on 13 October this year in one of hospitals of Bangkok at the age of 88 years. He

In France there is a new level of danger

The warning system on terrorist threat in France entered a new level. It is reported by Le Figaro. New, the third and highest level is called “attack”. It will be declared in that case that the authorities know about the inevitability of a terrorist attack, immediately after its Commission or in the case that committed a massive cyber attack. When it is activated, law enforcement must immediately take a number of measures. We are talking about overlapping roads or streets, the closure of metro stations or railway stations, evacuation of homes or schools depending on the place of the attack. “It is extremely important to quickly adapt to new types of threats and rapidly respond to them,” — said in this regard, the General Director of the National centre for defense and security, Louis Gauthier. Representatives of law enforcement agencies also did not deny that the innovation is confined to