Merkel regretted about the future resignation, Renzi

Matteo Renzi and Angela Merkel German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed regret on the future resignation of his Italian counterpart Matteo Renzi. About it reports Reuters. “The Chancellor received the news about the resignation of the Prime Minister of Italy, unfortunately — said a spokesman for Merkel, Steffen Seibert. They worked great with Matteo Renzi hand in hand and trust each other, but a democratic solution to the Italian voters, as well as the decision of the Prime Minister, should be respected.” Seibert said that Berlin intends to continue to cooperate closely with the Italian government, regardless of who will lead it after retirement Renzi. The Prime Minister promised to resign if the Italians will reject his plan of constitutional reform. After you know the results of the plebiscite, the opposition, particularly the leader of the opposition party “Northern League” Matteo Salvini, called for Renzi to immediately leave the post. The

The Philippines government was told about the imminent visit to Moscow Duterte

Rodrigo Duterte Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte may visit Moscow in the spring of 2017. This was stated by the foreign Minister of this country Perfecto of Yasai during a visit to the Russian capital, his words “Interfax”. “I came here to confirm the agreements that were reached in the framework of a bilateral meeting between our presidents in Lima, Peru. During the meeting, President Putin invited the President of Duterte to visit next year. I hope it happens in April, March or even may,” said Yasai. His Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, in turn, expressed the hope that it will be possible to discuss all the issues raised at the bilateral meeting of presidents in Lima, as well as cooperation in the international arena. 28 November Duterte complained to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the Russian cold: “President Putin during our meeting said, “we are Waiting for You in Russia.” To

Kerry advised the Trump before the talks to consult with the state Department

John Kerry U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry said Sunday, December 4 that the transition team of President-elect Donald trump “would be useful” to apply to the state Department for advice before you communicate with foreign leaders. About it reports Reuters. “Since we have not had contact before any of these conversations. We have not been asked to provide abstracts,” said Kerry at a press conference. According to him, it would be right to ask people who have worked in its place, and for a long time. He expressed regret that it never happened. Criticisms of the outgoing administration in relation to the Trump called his telephone conversation with the head of administration of Taiwan Cai Inveni, after which the Ministry of foreign Affairs of China made USA hard performance.

In Germany, a migrant from Afghanistan raped and killed the daughter of an official of the European Commission

Maria Ladenburger Arrested in Germany to claim asylum, a young man from Afghanistan, he is accused of the rape and murder of 19-year-old daughter of a senior official of the European Commission. About this newspaper The Daily Mail. Trained to be a medic student Maria Ladenburger, in his spare time worked as a volunteer in a shelter for refugees, was found October 16 in the University town of Freiburg near the border with Switzerland. After the rape the victim drowned in the river. On the spot, in the bushes of BlackBerry, was discovered a strand of dark hair, partially painted in a light color. The analysis of DNA and comparison with the database of results has not brought. However, three weeks later, in footage of a local tram by a surveillance camera, found the young man with “very visible” hair — long-haired, partially painted under the blonde. The Afghan was

Exit polls predicted the victory of the opponents of the constitutional reform in Italy

Continued: Renzi announced his resignation from the post of Prime Minister of Italy The initiative of the government of Italy concerning amendments to the Constitution were rejected by the population — evidenced by the results of an exit poll, reports Reuters. According to research performed by the Piepoli Institute / IPR commissioned by the state broadcaster RAI, the reform project was supported by 42-46%, whereas a negative answer was given by 54-58%. Earlier, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has said he will resign if the Italians will reject his plan of constitutional reform. For the immediate resignation of the Prime Minister called on the leader of the opposition party “Northern League” Matteo Salvini, RIA Novosti reported. “If these data are confirmed, it will be a big victory for the citizens, and Renzi will have to resign in the next few minutes, to immediately hold elections,” — said Salvini at a specially

Syrian troops killed a militant commander in Aleppo

Syrian troops on Saturday, December 3, eliminated in Aleppo commander of the combined forces of gangs Abdel Rahman Nur. About it reports TV channel Al Mayadeen. The militants retreated into the depths of the Eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo, currently fighting under the unified command, reports TASS. Their representative Zakaria Malagigi previously said that despite the Syrian troops surrounded the Eastern half of the city, “neither of which surrender is out of question”. Abdul Rahman Noor was the head of the so-called Army of Aleppo — a coalition of armed groups, in which the leading role is played by the militants of the terrorist organization “Dzhebhat Fatah al-sham”, previously called itself “al-Nusra Dzhebhat” (banned in Russia). On 3 December it was reported that over the Eastern part of Aleppo, the militants brought down the combat training aircraft L-39 Syrian air force. According to preliminary data, on Board crashed near the city’s

Right-wing candidate lost in the election of the President of Austria

Norbert Hofer The presidential candidate of the far-right Austrian freedom party (fpö) Norbert Hofer conceded defeat in the elections of the President, which took place on 4 December. In the address on his page on Facebook he thanked his constituents for their support and stated that endlessly frustrated by failure. According to the interior Ministry of Austria, who leads RIA Novosti, Hofer received 39.6 percent of the vote, his opponent former green Party leader Alexander van der Bellen — 60.4 per cent. Shortly before the elections Hofer said that in case of victory, one of the first countries he will visit will be Russia. He also said that the President would seek a referendum on the country’s withdrawal from the EU if Brussels will reinforce centralization after Brexit. Re-election of the President of Austria was appointed on 4 December after the country’s constitutional court annulled the results of the second

The victims of the Finnish arrow became mayor of Imatra and two journalists

The scene Victims of the arrow in the Finnish Imatra, located near the border with Russia, became Chairman of the city Council and two local journalist. About it reports on Sunday, 4 December, broadcasting company Yle, citing police officials. As noted, law enforcement is denying any unverified information about the motives of the crime, since they were still unknown. According to the correspondent of the TV channel, the women came out of the restaurant when they were shot. Earlier it was reported that the incident occurred on Sunday night near one of the restaurants in the city. The suspect in the crime was arrested on the spot. It was the 23-year-old man, he surrendered without resistance. For committing the crimes he used a rifle. The population of Imatra is about 30 thousand inhabitants. Seven kilometers from the city is the Russian Svetogorsk.

Turkey and Saudi Arabia has offered to convene a session of the UN General Assembly in Aleppo

The soldiers of the Syrian army in the Eastern district of Aleppo Turkey, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Qatar have offered to convene an emergency session of the UN General Assembly to discuss the situation in Aleppo, Syria. It is reported TASS with reference to the statement countries, announced the TV channel “al Jazeera” on Sunday, December 4. The document clarifies that the General Assembly needs to formulate its recommendations after the Security Council are unable to resolve this issue. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE and Turkey backing the opposition forces opposed to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. 3 December, government troops eliminated in Aleppo commander of the combined forces of gangs Abdel Rahman Nur. He headed the so-called Army of Aleppo — a coalition of armed groups, in which the leading role is played by the militants of the terrorist organization “Jabhat Fatah al-sham”, previously calling itself “Jabhat EN-Nusra”

Bird flu forced the Japanese to destroy half a million chickens

In the Japanese Niigata Prefecture was destroyed 540 thousand chickens due to outbreaks of avian influenza. About it reports on Sunday, December 4, the Agency Kyodo. According to him, the lesions were observed on two farms in the area. Moreover, the flu struck birds in the Northern Prefecture of Aomori. In connection with threat of distribution of a virus, scored 18 thousand ducks. Outbreak of avian influenza has forced local authorities to restrict the transport of chickens and eggs within a radius of 10 kilometers from each farm. At the same time, the Agency reports that four farms in the province Sekikawa and two in Joetsu, have now resumed the shipment of eggs and other products after completing the required inspections. In regions of the virus were sent to the soldiers of the national defense Forces which participated in the slaughter of poultry in special protective suits, reports TASS. “The