A resident of the Bahamas received 5 years in prison in the US for hacking the accounts of celebrities

Nature Newton In the United States court handed down a guilty verdict to a resident of the Bahamas who hacked the email accounts of more than hundreds of cultural figures, including actress Naturi Nauton. About it reports Reuters. Alonzo Knowles, who managed to get letters 130 celebrities and their numbers, were sentenced by the district court in Manhattan to five years imprisonment. In may, he pleaded guilty to charges of copyright infringement with the use of criminal activities and identity theft. According to prosecutors, Knowles received access to the accounts of Actresses, musicians and other creative workers by sending them computer viruses or forged e-mail notification that their mailbox hacked, and you need to enter a password. Knowles stole at least 25 scripts, unreleased films and TV shows, and music, financial documents and candid photos and videos. Who exactly was the victim of Knowles, not reported. It is known only

Ban Ki-moon condemned the shelling of the Russian hospital in Aleppo

Ban Ki-Moon UN Secretary-General ban Ki-moon condemned the shelling of a mobile hospital in the Syrian city of Aleppo, perfect Monday, 5 December. As reported TASS, told reporters the official representative of the Secretary General Stefan Dyuzharrik “The Secretary-General condemns the attack on the Russian mobile field hospital in Western Aleppo, which was reportedly made yesterday,” he said. Ban Ki-moon said that civilians and civilian infrastructure, including medical facilities and personnel must be protected in accordance with international humanitarian law. According to him, deliberate attacks on them constitute war crimes. December 5, Russian defense Ministry reported the deaths of two Russian nurses and the pediatrician wounded in the shelling of the hospital by militants. The shelling occurred during the reception of the locals. The U.S. state Department stated that condemn attacks on any medical facility, but I don’t see objective evidence of fire.

WP reported the concealment of Pentagon spending by 125 billion dollars

The Pentagon probably decided to get rid of the report with the audit results, which revealed 125 billion dollars of unjustified spending. On Tuesday, 6 December, reports The Washington Post, citing interviews and confidential documents placed at the disposal of edition. According to the publication, in January 2015 a report was prepared, in which the defense Department has offered the “easiest way” to save 125 billion over five years. He did not include dismissal of employees or sending the military into the reserves assumed only the optimisation of the administrative structures: for example, sending servants early retirement, the rejection of costly projects with external contractors and greater use of information technology. The audit revealed that American taxpayers had more than one million workers in support functions, which are hardly beneficial to the troops. The leadership of the defense Department nevertheless decided to classify the sources referenced in the report, and

Putin was invited to Japan to relax in the hot springs and drinking sake

Tsugumi Muraoka The Governor of the southwestern Japanese Prefecture of Yamaguchi admitted that he wants to invite Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit the hot spring to treat his seafood and sake. About this Tsugumi Muraoka said in an interview with TASS ahead of the meeting between Putin and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to be held in Nagato city in Yamaguchi Prefecture on December 15. “This is a very joyous event, we perceive it as a great honor — said Muraoka. Is the native place of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, we are doing everything to prepare for the fact that the leaders of the two countries in a calm and quiet environment to concentrate there on their negotiations.” According to the Governor, this meeting will showcase the attractiveness of the place where it will be held. “Our Yamaguchi Prefecture is located at the extreme Western end of the Japanese

Biden declared his desire to run for the U.S. presidency in 2020

Joe Biden Vice-President Joe Biden expressed readiness to take part in the next presidential elections in the country in 2020. About it reports Fox News. “Yeah, I’m going to participate again in this. I can’t do nothing. I learned that fate had a strange way interfere with [my] life,” Biden said, answering a question whether his statement is a joke. Biden — 74-year-old American politician, three times in his career participated in or expressed the desire to participate in presidential elections (in 1988, 2004 and 2008). In 1973 he became a Senator from the state of Delaware at the age of 30 years — the minimum possible for his election. A year later, the editors of Time magazine included him among the “200 faces of the future that will make history”. Biden advocated the bombing of the former Yugoslavia, supported the US military intervention in Iraq, after the Georgian-South Ossetian

Kerry spoke about his first meeting with Soviet soldiers

John Kerry U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry spoke about how at a young age in the mid-1950s years traveling through East Germany met Soviet soldiers. His speech in Berlin at the ceremony of awarding him the order “For merits before Federal Republic of Germany” published on the website of the US state Department. According to Kerry, at the age of 12 without supervision of parents sent him from Frankfurt to West Berlin in the military echelon, which had to cross GDR territory. “We were not allowed to raise the blinds, but I still did it. I had six cans of Pepsi-Cola and a few comics that I bought in Frankfurt. And I didn’t sleep all night because I was curious, I looked out the window. When we stayed at the stations, the soldiers — they were Russian soldiers, the Soviet soldiers went back and forth and watched that no

Left in the car of the son of an American received a life sentence

Justin Ross Harris American Justin Ross Harris (Justin Ross Harris) was found guilty of the murder of his almost two year old son Cooper, whom he left in the car. As reported on Monday, December 5, CNN, a verdict was passed by judge of the Supreme court of Cobb County (Georgia, USA) Mary Steli Clark. The incident occurred on 18 June 2014. 36-the summer inhabitant of suburb of Atlanta put on their 22-month-old boy in the back seat of the Hyundai Tucson and went first to Breakfast, then to work, where he stayed for the whole day. Cooper about seven hours spent in the car, which gradually strongly heated up under the sun, that was the cause of his death. Approximately at 16:00 Harris went to the movie theater and noticed that the baby is still in the car. The man pulled his body out of the SUV, according to

The state Department refused to confirm the shelling of the Russian hospital in Syria

The United States condemns attacks on any medical facility, but are not ready to independently confirm the fact of bombardment of the Russian mobile hospital in Aleppo, Syria. As reported on Monday, December 5, RIA Novosti, this was stated by the official representative of us state Department mark Toner. “We condemn any attack against hospitals or health facilities”, he said, adding that confirm the fact of the attack is not possible because of the difficult military situation on the ground. Toner stressed that Washington never provides the Syrian opposition coordinates for strikes. The representative of the group of forces of participants of the Western counter-terrorism operations in Iraq and Syria, told TASS that the coalition headed by the USA do not build speculation on who carried out the attack. “We can’t speculate about what forces destroyed a Russian hospital, as we do not monitor and do not carry out operation

The Prime Minister of France announced the resignation

Manuel Valls The Prime Minister of France Manuel Valls said that on Tuesday, 6 December, leaving his position for the fight for the presidency. Also would be retiring and his Cabinet. About it reports Reuters. Waltz explained that the focus on election campaign before the primaries of the ruling Socialist party, which will be held in two stages 22 and 29 January 2017. According to BFMTV, the decision on the nomination of the Waltz to the presidential elections was made after the current head of state Francois Hollande has refused to participate in the campaign. The French leader explained the decision unwillingness to split the left-wing forces and the need to nominate a single strong candidate. All the polls show that neither Hollande nor any other candidate from the Socialist party would not pass the second round of the presidential election. It is most likely that the presidency will rival

The expert predicted the development of relations between the EU and Russia after the elections in Austria

Alexander van der Bellen To expect from the former leader of the green Party Alexander van der Bell some steps to stabilize the European-Russian relations is not necessary. On Monday, November 5, said “the Tape.ru” leading researcher of the Center for German studies Institute of Europe Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Kamkin. “Traditionally, the green party speaking in terms of ultra-liberalism. For example, in Germany the “green” in recent years are the anti-Russian rhetoric. Last week representatives of the party made a proposal to toughen anti-Russian sanctions due to the Russian operation in Aleppo,” — said the expert. According to the analyst, the participation of a candidate from the far-right Austrian freedom party (fpö) Norbert Hofer in the presidential election, despite his defeat, it became a large-scale victory for the party. “Two years later, the country held parliamentary elections. Level of voter confidence in the APS is increasing, and this